Paraclete Indoor Championships 2011
Scores for Meet on Feb 5th, 2011
News Associated With This Event
Did you know that NSL-TV presents the VFS 4-way teams and tunnel big-ways at Paraclete?
posted: Mar 7th, 2011 The NSL News mentioned the Vertical Formation Skydiving competition at the Paraclete XP Indoor Skydiving Championships 2011 once during the live coverage, on 6 February 2011.
It was an update after... (
Did you know that Katie Woods and SDC Rhythm XP go back to work this weekend?
posted: Feb 8th, 2011 The Valentine's Meet 2011 is not the only event this upcoming weekend.
Areas of the USA where the winter weather does not force skydivers to hibernate can be active throughout the year.
Two other... (
Did you know that Arizona Airspeed made a statement in Round 9?
posted: Feb 6th, 2011 The last two rounds of the 4-way competition at the Paraclete XP Indoor Skydiving Championships 2011 have begun, and Arizona Airspeed made an early morning statement.
The new lineup does not seem to... (
Did you know that Block 13's forward technique won 3 - 2 in Round 6?
posted: Feb 5th, 2011 The judges have caught up to Round 6, which is also the next NSL-TV video, while most of the 4-way teams are now competing in 8-way.
The NSL News mentioned earlier that the sequence of Round 6 will... (
Did you know that Round 5 videos show one of the fastest sequences of the meet?
posted: Feb 5th, 2011 The next video footage was captured from the same level but much later. The competition takes place in three different time zones. The teams have completed Round 6 and get ready for Round 7. The new video... (
Did you know that NSL Reality TV features Round 1 up close and personal?
posted: Feb 5th, 2011 It's a fast pace at the Paraclete XP Indoor Skydiving Championships 2011. The teams are almost done with Round 3. Neither the judges nor the NSL News can keep up, however, all information will be provided... (
Did you know that Round 1 of the Paraclete XP Championships 2011 is scheduled for 7:00 am?
posted: Feb 4th, 2011 The NSL News has successfully re-located for the weekend, the competition draw for the Paraclete XP Indoor Skydiving Championships 2011 has been posted, and the teams are preparing for Round 1. Everything... (
Did you know that the Winter/Spring Tour 2011 gets in full swing for the top teams?
posted: Jan 28th, 2011 Each of the Winter/Spring Tour events that the top teams attend has its own meaning and background.
The Dubai Championship 2011 was like a mini world meet and brought together three of the four best... (
Did you know that the winning part is only a by-product for Kirk Verner?
posted: Jan 22nd, 2011 The NSL News wraps up the Paraclete XP4 coverage with the video of a new NSL Talk, which was recorded at the end of the XP4 day in Raeford. The complete lineup was sitting in the lobby of the windtunnel,... (
Did you know that NSL Reality TV follows up with the Paraclete XP4 indoor session?
posted: Jan 21st, 2011 The NSL News day with Paraclete XP4 continued yesterday, even though the live coverage was interrupted after the outdoor training. It's a long drive back to DeLand from Raeford, and there was only enough... (