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Pete Allum
How many of us wish, after landing from our first jump, that we had begun skydiving earlier in our lives.  Pete Allum is one of the fortunate few to begin skydiving at the age of 15.  He has been skydiving for 21 years. His parents, Michael and Inger, both keen skydivers in the UK introduced him ...
Lise Aune
Female class necessary or not - Lise Nansen, formerly Aune, is one of the two perfect examples in this skydiving world proving as a living example that female competitors can be just as good as males (or better). As a member of the Norwegian national team, DeLand Norgies, she was with the team ...
Mathieu Bernier
Many teams and competitors have tried something that seemed to be impossible: Winning a gold medal in 4-way and 8-way at the same FAI World Championship of Formation Skydiving. It seemed to be impossible until Menzelinsk 2010, where and when the FS miracle eventually happened. Mathieu Bernier ...
Jeana Billings
Jeana Billings is probably the Formation Skydiving competitor with her own NSL Profile who has the shortest history in the sport, compared to all other featured celebrities at this part of SKYLEAGUE.COM. She only appeared for the first time in the NSL News when she competed with her first ...
Dan Brodsky-Chenfield
Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld is his real name, many friends keep it short with just "BC".  However, he is one of the most experienced competitors and coaches in the history of Formation Skydiving, a living legend.  His story is as exciting as can be, a fairytale of skydiving with all ups and downs ...
Robert Chromy
Few people know "Chromy" by his first name, and even fewer know that he was actually born in the old Czechoslovakia in 1965. Many skydivers who meet him on his many travels around the world are impressed when he mostly likely communicates in the language of the country that he is visiting or the ...
Jerome David
The eternal battle for Excalibur, the trophy for the World Champions of Formation Skydiving in 4-way and 8-way has now been fought for more than two decades. In 4-way, this competition for the gold medal has been exclusively a two-way race between France and the U.S.A. ever since 1985. Jerome ...
Arianna de Benedetti
Arianna de Benedetti is one of the best female 4-way competitors in the history of Formation Skydiving. She belongs in the same category of high-caliber female athletes who have shown the world how female skydivers can keep up with the best male competitors, just as Dawn English, Lise Aune and ...
Julien Degen
There are not too many skydivers with a total number of 22000+ jumps. There are also not too many 4-way and 8-way competitors who are flying in a windtunnel every day, unless they are working as indoor instructors at the same time. French competitor Julien Degen does both, and it still always ...