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Indoor Cloud League 2014JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 12+ Feet
1Hurricane FactoryCZ129153175991301181281071181341281481567
2iFLY OrlandoUS1251471471151351221311051131361361421554
3iFLY SeattleUS1291351301231121187310291871431301371
4iFLY SF BayUS11513010996195118130114911111151221356
5SkyVenture MontrealCA83126512338415511912712813880979
6iFLY DallasUS----6992105828889102-627
7SkyVenture New HampshireUS4041--58-678976286784550

Scores for Indoor Cloud League 12+ Chamber Meet on Dec 1st, 2014

Dec 1st, 2014
Rank December N,18,L,17 H,7,21 P,O,6 N,L,B M,P,O M,H Total
1 Hurricane Factory  CZ  T12 20    23    22    21    27    35    148
2 iFLY Orlando  US  T12 16    19    21    26 -1 28    32    142
3 iFLY Seattle  US  T12 15    20    15    23    27    30    130
4 iFLY SF Bay  US  T12 16    21    15    15    33    22    122
5 SkyVenture New Hampshire  US  T12 7    12    14    12 -2 17 -1 22    84
6 SkyVenture Montreal  CA  T12 18    23    17    22    -    -    80

News Associated With This Event

News Article Did you know that iFLY Orlando added five Indoor Cloud League points to the December total?
posted: Dec 20th, 2014 The Florida group of the Indoor Cloud League had work to do in the AAA and AA categories when they came back together at iFLY Orlando last Thursday. The Hurricane Factory is usually dominating those... (more)
News Article Did you know that Florida's 4-way competitors have a busy December schedule?
posted: Dec 13th, 2014 The indoor winter season is in full swing. The next competition has almost completed the first day in Poland, the Polish Indoor Open 2014 at Flyspot, while Florida teams will attend the annual local indoor... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Indoor Cloud League competition for December is in full swing?
posted: Dec 10th, 2014 The activities of the Indoor Cloud League continued while the Sun Path Products NSL News reported live from the 5th Dubai International Parachuting Championship. November scores were still added to... (more)