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In Time Scoring

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Indoor Cloud League 2013JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 12+ Feet
1iFLY OrlandoUS941091261251131211311101011151201621427
2iFLY SeattleUS931181121101211041121221081201361431399
3SkyVenture New HampshireUS--6582657386-34514148545
4Hurricane FactoryCZ-----3157574248117130482
5iFLY SF BayUS-------58305785126230
5SkyVenture MontrealCA-------5830578559230

Scores for Indoor Cloud League 12+ Chamber Meet on Dec 1st, 2013

Dec 1st, 2013
Rank December F,P,14,17 F,P,N,14 F,P,7 F,P,N M,F,P M,F Total
1 iFLY Orlando  US  T12 21    23    22    27    27    42    162
2 iFLY Seattle  US  T12 18    24    19    18    27    37    143
3 Hurricane Factory  CZ  T12 24    14    19    17    24    32    130
4 iFLY SF Bay  US  T12 21    17    24 -1 14    21    29    126
5 SkyVenture Montreal  CA  T12 23    18    18    -    -    -    59
6 SkyVenture New Hampshire  US  T12 11    17    15    5    -    -    48

News Associated With This Event

News Article Did you know that Team Zeus will be back on December 30 to add more ICL points to the Florida account?
posted: Dec 21st, 2013 The leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League was just updated a few days ago, and the Sun Path Products NSL News posted the first December scores and videos with the story on 19 December 2013. Florida had... (more)
News Article Did you know that the month of December is very important for the Florida group at iFLY Orlando?
posted: Dec 19th, 2013 The Sun Path Products NSL News reported on 9 December 2013 that the Indoor Cloud League had its busiest month in November with record participation in the young history of the league. The momentum seems... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Indoor Cloud League had record participation in November?
posted: Dec 9th, 2013 The month of November was a record month for the Indoor Cloud League in many ways. The Sun Path Products NSL News reported on 29 November 2013 that Deb Correia's Northwest Skydiving League group posted... (more)