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Indoor Cloud League 2022JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1iFLY DallasUS113132123101131111122791221331311271425
2Paraclete XPUS97746413214210681103108113120671207
3Hurricane FactoryCZ142146141109123109--11410999901182
4ICL MidwestUS------1247813012286-540
5iFLY Colorado SpringsUS----4368708311478--456
6iFLY SeattleUS----------24-24

Scores for Indoor Cloud League 14+ Chamber Meet on Dec 1st, 2022

Dec 1st, 2022
Rank December 14+ G,11,F,10 P,11,4 B,K,2 B,K,P M,G,F M,O Total
1 iFLY Dallas  US  T14 17 16 20 26 25 23 127
2 Hurricane Factory  CZ  T14 23 22 11 9 11 14 90
3 Paraclete XP  US  T14 11 12 13 16 15 - 67

News Associated With This Event

News Article Did you know that the iFLY Dallas team wrapped up their Indoor Cloud League year with another highscore?
posted: Jan 8th, 2023 Kyle Hermberg's Indoor Cloud League team at iFLY Dallas wrapped up the 2022 season with three consecutive highscores for the months of October, November and December, unless one of the missing totals will... (more)
News Article Did you know that Paraclete XP wrapped up their Indoor Cloud League 2022?
posted: Jan 2nd, 2023 The wrap-up of the Indoor Cloud League's final 2022 leaderboard began with the December scores of the Czech team at the Hurricane Factory. The Paraclete XP team has also completed their 2022 season, and... (more)
News Article Did you know that the HF Cubs posted new ICL AAA/AA highscores for December?
posted: Dec 25th, 2022 The very busy month of November for the Czech teams had to be followed by a more casual agenda in December. The NSL News had reported earlier that some of the Czech teams attended up to three meets last... (more)