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Did You Know...

... that the sequence F-20-9 now has its second of three showings on NSL-TV?

posted May 16th, 2005 - Round three of the Southwest Skydiving League's March meet in Perris offered a most unusual situation, which became so unique only after the meet weekend on April 16. The AAA and AA Class sequences of round three in March and round five in April were exactly identical: F-20-9.

Identical sequences between the competition classes, especially between AAA and AA, happen quite regularly and then allow to compare the scores of the teams directly. Once in a while, teams of the lower competition classes come up with higher scores than teams in the next competition class up.

Elsinore Alloy's round three - see video
However, the NSL News cannot recall the situation that a AAA Class competition sequence was drawn for two different meets exactly the same way. The identical sequences in these two early 2005 events were the first time in NSL history, and it will most likely still not be the last time that this happens.

In fact, due to the increasing number of 4-way competitions in the past years, it was only a matter of time when one of the many different sequences would be drawn again. It caught the attention of teams and competitors easier this time since there were only four weeks between the two meets.

Perris Storm's round three - see video
Moreover, there were teams and competitors of the same league who were surprised when the March Sequence was drawn once again in April. Especially Perris Storm and Perris Helion in the AAA Class, and Perris Quest in the AA Class were already familiar with this sequence after performing it at the previous SSL competition.

The first time this sequence came up can now be viewed on NSL-TV, it is round three of the SSL March meet in Perris. Perris Storm scored 13 points at the March meet and improved this result by two points in April. Perris Quest did better four weeks later in April, as well, and improved from four to six points for the same sequence. Perris Helion went the other way and posted the higher score with a clean 10-point jump in March, the April score was an 8-pointer.

Italy Sinapsi PD's round three - see video
The currently featured SSL March meet allows once again the comparison of teams in the AAA Class and the AA Class. Elsinore Alloy, Elsinore Equinox and also pick-up team Jamba at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 in DeLand posted 12-pointers for the AA Class in round three, while AAA Class teams Perris Rebels (11) and Perris Helion (10) ended up behind the three AA Class teams. Perris Storm defended the AAA Class honors of this scoring range with the highest score of 13 points. Perris Fury had the official AAA Class highscore for round three with 16 points.

The same sequence of round three in March was already featured on NSL-TV with the NSL News story of April 4. Italy's Sinapsi PD posted the highest AAA Class score with 25 points within working time and on the scoreboard. F-20-9 will have a third showing on NSL-TV when the coverage of the April meet weekend gets to round five.

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