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Did You Know...

... that MESL Director Mike Ashley hopes for a good turnout at the season opener?

Jared and Mike Ashley (right)
posted May 23rd, 2008 - The Mideast Skydiving League is also launching its first meet of the 2008 season this weekend. New MESL Director Mike Ashley and Fastrax founder John Hart have prepared the regional 4-way community for quite a while. John Hart has provided a lot of information in his series of 4-way tips. Mike Ashley is now excited to see the results of the efforts:

"It's only another day before our inaugural meet in the Mideast Skydiving League. It's coming up fast, and I hope everyone is as pumped about it as I am! We have had some groups get together, and do some minor training at Start on those days we have had good weather."

Weather map for the US meets
The preparations included a lot of networking in the MESL area. Mike Ashley encouraged skydivers without their own lineups to connect with others and provided assistance. To help facilitate that, he asked individuals or partial teams to forward to him the intended competition classes and the current status of performance and experience level.

He then responded by e-mail to all potential participants with the list of all names gathered. People within each competition class could contact each other ahead of the meet to form the lineups. Mike Ashley and the MESL also offered help to find videographers.

The logistics of the first actual meet at Start Skydiving are in place. There will be a briefing for teams and competitors at 7:30 am, regardless of the weather situation. Mike Ashley wants an early start so that all teams can get their six rounds completed on one day.

Weather map for the meets in Europe
Registration fee is $100 per team, plus the costs for the jump tickets. Mike Ashley mentioned that the competition draw will be available Friday evening at the NSL website. He will hand out hard copies on site Saturday morning.

He also enouraged teams and competitors to make plans for the whole weekend at the competition site in case of a weather situation. There will also be other activities at Start Skydiving if the meet is completed in time, including bigger ways on Sunday.

The MESL Director wrapped up his invitation with another important hint: "If you party, do so lightly on Friday..."

Italy and the Czech Republic join the Ranch and the Mideast Skydiving League this meet weekend. The NSL News will follow up with scores and updates as soon as possible.

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