... that the SCSL meet in Perris brought up Piver trouble?
Bodyflight Storm last weekend in Perrisposted Jun 2nd, 2008 -
The scores of last weekend's competitions have been flowing in today, and the overall leaderboard is almost complete. Bodyflight Storm, the British national 4-way team in the female category, is on the very top of the AAA Class leaderboard with currently 14 teams.
Storm arrived in Perris just before the SCSL meet weekend for the next outdoor training camp. Event judge Judy Celaya reported that Bodyflight Storm was jumping with a "pretty good case of jet lag". She said that the team did well in spite of it and only got "a bit rough in the last rounds."
Block 20 on CamScore
FAI judge Judy Celaya also mentioned an issue with the graphics of how Block 20 (Piver - Viper) is drawn on the CamScore printouts of the competition draw.
The image of the Piver gives the impression that the Tail, with two grips on the center for a Cat position, might also have the option to take one arm grip on the center, instead of two leg grips.
IPC's Block 20
It sounded as if the arm grip caused trouble for a team in Perris, as Judy Celaya mentioned an "incorrect grip". Competitive and experienced teams usually don't event try to get to the arm grip since it causes a more difficult position for the Tail and the required 360' turn of the block's inter.
The Tail usually tries to "cheat" exactly the other way to gain the advantage of a headstart.
CamScore's Block 17
However, the arm grip on the center, if it happens to be taken by any team, can also be understood as the same rule interpretation of the Block 17 images (Danish T - Murphy).
The drawings of the Danish T, by both CamScore and IPC, indicate in no way the grip connection that most of the teams currently apply. The different shape of Block 17's Danish T and all of its different grip connections have been generally accepted by any judging panel.
IPC's Block 17
No matter whether the same interpretation of Block 17's Danish T and Block 20's Piver applies or not - Judy Celaya recommends for the Tail to take both leg grips to avoid any potential troubles.
The leg grips on the center are also offering the advantage of the Tail's headstart for the inter.
Airspeed Odyssey builds a PiverPerris Fury's injured Center Inside, Chris Farina, added that other than the Piver issue Judy Celaya was happy with the teams' performances.
She did not have to penalize any team for poor separation throughout the entire meet. He added that he saw overall a very fun meet for all teams and the judge.
Canada Evolution builds a Danish T
Chris Farina usually guides his player coach team Perris 4Shock. He recently injured his back and will be grounded for quite a while. Dan BC filled his slot for 4Shock last weekend, and Chris Farina was on site to help his and other teams with coaching.
He also reported that his Fury teammate Josh Hall was once again filming and coaching Perris Momentum. Fury's Tail Uli Steuwe was player coach for Perris Its All Good.