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Did You Know...

... that the Paraclete XP meet has an indoor and an outdoor part?

Indoor part at the Paraclete XP windtunnel
posted Jun 20th, 2008 - The scores of the Russian Nationals 2008 on the front page have already been replaced by new results. However, the Russian teams still completed the 10-round meet after several delays. The Sky Panthers saved a 4-point lead over the finish line and qualified as the Rusian national 4-way team 2008 with a 24.3 average.

The Paraclete XP Money Meet 2008 began with the first part of the event, the indoor competition that runs parallel with the outdoor event.

It is a special situation in Raeford since the outdoor competition has been upgraded to a 2nd category event of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI). The meet management had to be very careful with the application of the IPC rules, which doesn't allow teams to use a windtunnel after the competition draw has been posted.

Hard work for the indoor judges
The first four rounds of the indoor competition had to be completed before the competition draw of the outdoor event could be handed out to the participating AAA Class teams. Then, the meet management provided only the first six rounds of the outdoor competition since the tunnel meet will continue Saturday and Sunday evening.

The remaining rounds of the tunnel meet are already available for the teams. However, they will only be executed in the Paraclete XP chamber as soon as the outdoor competition has caught up and passed the indoor meet.

Paraclete XP owner Tim D'Annunzio expects to complete six outdoor rounds on Saturday and then add two more tunnel rounds at the end of the day. This procedure guarantees that no team has the chance to violate the IPC rules.

Paraclete XP Money Meet 2007
Perris Fury with Center Inside Thomas Hughes
The leaderboard of the indoor competition shows a very unusual situation. Airspeed Odyssey is four points behind the Golden Knights and Perris Fury after four rounds. All teams lost quite a few points in the judging room, as the tunnel speed seems to invite the competitors to ignore any flaws and move on quickly. The judges have to work hard to detect the infringements. Here is the breakdown of the point deductions: Danish Blaze (9), Mass Defiance (7), Airspeed Odyssey (6), Perris Fury (6), Paraclete XP (5), Teiwaz (4), Sebastian Tempest (4), Golden Knights (3), Fortitudo (2).

Thomas Hughes is filling the Center Inside slot for Perris Fury's injured Chris Farina. Mass Defiance has the team's new member Dennis Rook in the Tail slot. The NSL News will follow up later with videos of the tunnel competition. Saturday morning will hopefully bring the first scores of the outdoor competition.

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