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Did You Know...

... that the first 2012 scores are coming from the Czech Republic?

Rookie Class team Best of Realtive in action
posted Jan 7th, 2012 - The first scores of the 2012 season are posted, and they came in from the Czech Republic. Jan Klapka hosted the 3rd indoor competition of his winter series at the Sportflight Skydive Arena on the 4th of January.

He had proudly reported after the 2nd indoor competition in December that all his Czech Rookie Class teams posted meet averages above the 10.0 benchmark. He must be happy again since the scores were even higher at the January 2012 competition.

The Czech Rookie Class teams also have a good winter competition going between themselves. There were two different winners in the three indoor meets so far, and all teams keep pushing each other to higher scores. TBA, the lowest scoring team (7.8) at the first indoor meet in November, posted a 10.5 average in December and now even outscored the Sky Walkers with a 12.3 average. The Sky Walkers were now in last place and will have to make a move.

Sportflight Indoor JanuaryRd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA ClassG,Q,19,18N,7,13M,15,416,P,L,D1,3,1011,C,814,2,1220,A,H,2217,K,621,9,OTotalAvg
1Switzerland VIVA 8 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 17 1712612.6
2CZ Bad Boys 10 12 9 12 9 11 10 10 12 1511011.0
1CZ Best of Relative 15 17 22 21 18 28 19 19 23 2020220.2
2CZ Hvězdy 14 15 22 19 21 29 18 20 20 1719519.5
3CZ TBA 11 11 14 13 15 14 10 13 7 1512312.3
4CZ Sky Walkers 10 11 13 8 8 11 10 10 16 1210910.9
Visitors from Switzerland at the Sportflight Skydive Arena
Jan Klapka's Bad Boys also had competition in the AAA Class this time. VIVA visited with a 4way lineup from Switzerland. The VIVA 8way team had competed at the World Cup 2011, and the NSL News gave the Swiss team special attention on 14 August 2011.

The exact lineup of the VIVA 4way team at the Sportflight Skydive Arena was not available, however, VIVA outscored the home team Bad Boys at this meet after giving away the first two rounds.

The Bad Boys have another new member. The NSL News reported on 28 June 2011 that the Bad Boyz began a new era with new member Tomas Pardubicky, a former AFF student of Jan Klapka. He was not in last week's lineup any longer, and Jan Klapka introduced Jan Habetin as the new Bad Boy. He added that his team is now beginning to train very hard for the 2012 season.

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