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Did You Know...

... that the Super Sequence has to wait for being drawn at the World Challenge?

posted Feb 17th, 2012 - The NSL News reported on 27 January 2012 that the teams, competitors and audience of the World Challenge 2012 would have the opportunity to decide whether the famous Super Sequence of the annual indoor competition at Bodyflight Bedford should be continued or not.

The NSL Poll of the Super Sequence ran parallel with the question whether the IPC judging rules should include slower motion reviews in the future. The NSL News audience made a very clear statement in favor of slower motion, and the IPC Meeting approved the new rules a few weeks later in Argentine. The story on 12 February 2012 broke the IPC news.

The results of the Super Sequence poll were not as clear as the vote for the slower motion judging option. However, it was still a vast majority (58% - 42%) that prefers following the IPC rules for the competition draw.

World Challenge 201012345678910TotalAvg
RankAAA Class5,4,12J,M,E,D,L20,17,815,18,722,A,F,K21,C,G,69,19,16B,13,14H,P,O,3N,2,10TotalAvg
1Aerodyne Aerokart2263232631282928322330530.5
2XL 21 57 24 25 35 29 28 25 37 2330430.4
3NMP-PCH Hayabusa2257232536282826342230130.1
4Perris Fury 21 66 23 24 33 27 26 26 33 1929829.8
5Arizona Airspeed2355232530292627362229629.6
6Aerokart PCs 20 62 22 24 30 25 27 26 36 2229429.4
7Aerokart Deep Blue2159202127242423332027227.2
8Paraclete XP4 21 37 21 21 29 25 26 27 34 2326426.4
10SDC Rhythm XP 18 53 18 20 26 23 23 22 30 2025325.3

Host Paul Mayer with XL in 2011
The NSL News story mentioned that host Paul Mayer would leave the final decision up to the teams and competitors and asked the NSL News to provide input by letting the audience vote for or against the Super Sequence. The poll has been past the deadline for a while, and Paul Mayer now followed up with his decision: "Majority rules - no forced random round."

This brings the series of forced random rounds at the World Challenge to an end, which have brought quite some shake ups to the leaderboards in the past. The most infamous one came probably with the Round 2 sequence (J,M,E,D,L) at the World Challenge 2010. Arizona Airspeed melted and was out of the race for the money after only two rounds.

Airspeed had scored the sole highscore in Round 1 and was in the mix in all other rounds, as well. However, Round 2 had caused enough damage for Airspeed to finish in 5th place after ten rounds. It became enough reason for Airspeed to put more efforts in training sequences with only Random Formations.

World Challenge 2010: Round 2 Top View - World Challenge 2010: Round 2 Level View

Winner in 2008: Arizona Airspeed
It was actually not always a sequence of only Random Formations that created the Super Scores for one round at the World Challenge. The fastest sequence of the 2008 event included Block 9 (Cat - Accordean). This is the fastest block in the IPC dive pool, but it is still not as fast as a Random Formation. The Super Sequence in 2008 (P,9,A,J) had a 45-pointer as the highest score - posted by Arizona Airspeed and Sky Panthers Barkli.

Paul Mayer's decision does not mean that there will be no Super Sequence at the World Challenge 2012. The IPC rules for the competition draw offer this possibility at any time, only the chances for extremely high scores in one round are reduced.

The results of a Super Sequence often separate the teams more than other sequences do. This means that it becomes more likely that all teams, including the ones on the top of the leaderboard, will be closer together. The difference of one point could decide over a few thousand dollars more or less. That is exciting, too...

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