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Did You Know...

... that the World Challenge 2012 team number is up to 74 in 4way?

Black Majik lineup at the World Challenge 2011
posted Mar 21st, 2012 - The number of registered teams for the next event with NSL News live coverage, the World Challenge 2012, has gone up to 74 since the last update on 23 February 2012. 66 teams were registered at that point in time, and it was to be expected that the 70 would be broken.

The list of new teams includes the two Blue Rebels lineups from Greece who have never attended the indoor competition at Bodyflight Bedford to date. They competed at the ESL Championship 2011 and will now follow up with their first indoor scores.

The field also includes once again Black Majik, with host Paul Mayer and Joey Jones flying on their backs. Their team has signed up for the A Class competition this year, and the audience will be able to see the first backflyers performing blocks of the Formation Skydiving dive pool. Paul Mayer recently sent his welcome note to this year's participants, which included specific event information.

Dear Competitor!

Welcome to your informaton pack for the 2012 Bodyflight World Challenge. In this pack you will find the timetable for the weekend, informaton about the judges and other relevant informaton you may need. This is now the seventh Bodyflight World Challenge, and as always we are trying to make it bigger and better than ever! This year sees two big changes, first off the new format for the weekend with practice rounds taking place from 18:00 on Thursday the 5th of April and the competition proper taking place on Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th.

World Challenge 2012 information
Make sure you hang around for the party on Saturday night, and then recover the next day either by relaxing in the spa or a refreshing ride on the exciting Flowrider – discounts for the Flowrider are available for competitors between 9am and 9pm on Sunday. Secondly we intend to align the World Challenge as closely as possible with World skydiving competitions. So as a policy we have decided to invite the chief judge from the last World Meet to be the head judge at the World Challenge every year from now on to help reflect the international and changing nature of this innovative competition. We are delighted that this year Elisabet Mikaelsson has agreed to hold this role for us.

We are never afraid to try something new at Bodyflight and this year we will be running a separate score board for the Women’s teams. If you think that there is something else we can be doing to help make this the best competition in the world then please do give us your feedback or fill out and drop off the questionnaire on the back page of this pack at reception on your arrival. Lastly a big thank everyone who makes the competion possible; The kind sponsors who donate prizes for the competitors, the hard working judges and of course all of the competitors who make the trip to Bedford to support the competition. I very much hope that you will continue to support the competition in years to come!

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