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Did You Know...

... that Bardagi won the Swedish Nationals 2012?

Bardagi at the World Meet 2010 in Menzelinsk, Russia
posted Aug 14th, 2012 - The Swedish Nationals 2012 were completed at the end of July, and Fire's recent attendance at the UK Nationals 2012 brought the NSL News attention back to Scandinavia.

The NSL News reported on 7 May 2012 that Sweden's national 4way team in the Open Class, Bardagi, had a late start into the 2012 season. The scores at the Swedish Nationals 2012 would be the team's first ones this year.

There was no doubt that Bardagi would once again be the strongest team in Sweden this year after coming back with the same lineup as in 2011, and the 16.6 average at the end of July is identical with the Bardagi scoring level at the Swedish Nationals 2011. Blue Spirits was challenging Bardagi in 2011 for the top spot, while there was not much competition for the 1st place this year.

Swedish Nationals 2012Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class15,2,17K,6,15,O,B,48,7,916,3,NG,14,1921,20,CQ,H,11,JM,18,F,L22,A,12TotalAvg
1Bardagi (SE) 15 18 18 17 16 16 15 21 17 1316616.6
2RW5 (SE) 13 13 15 15 16 14 14 19 17 1415015.0
3CADO (SE) 11 13 12 9 11 12 13 15 15 1212312.3
4Fire (SE) 10 12 12 13 13 12 9 14 16 912012.0
5Smoju (SE) 6 10 11 11 8 7 10 9 9 7888.8
RankA Class19,P6,BA,C,GK,H,212,QJ,89,DL,O,MN,47,FTotalAvg
1eXact (SE) 12 13 15 12 13 11 12 16 11 1513013.0
2OnePiece (SE) 5 11 12 10 11 10 6 17 10 1010210.2
3MAMBaaa (SE) 1 1 3 4 4 5 2 9 5 6404.0
4Sky Force (SE) 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 7 3 5393.9
Bardagi at the World Cup 2011 in Saarlouis, Germany
RW5 was another strong Swedish team with experienced competitors but managed only to steal one round from Bardagi at the last minute. CADO and Fire both came back from the 2011 season, however, none of the Swedish teams had attended an outdoor competition this year before the Swedish Nationals.

Bardagi will now represent Sweden for the second time at the World Championship of Formation Skydiving, this time in Dubai. Bardagi also competed in Menzelinsk 2010 and finished with a 16.0 average after eight rounds. Goal for 2012 is probably to make it to the semifinals and Round 9 in Dubai.

Bardagi at the Swedish Nationals 2012
Still the strongest Scandinavian 4way team: DeLand Norgies of 2001
The World Meet 2012 will bring together the teams from Scandinavia for the next unofficial showdown. X3M4S Elements (15.8) competed for Norway in 2010, Bodyflight Voluntas (19.0) for Denmark, and only the Pro Team (20.4) from Finland made it to semifinals in Menzelinsk to win the internal Scandinavian battle.

Norway does not have an Open Class team this year, unless the DeLand Norgies accept the honor to compete in Dubai. The 21.5 average at the recent national championships would not be good enough to win medals, however, the Norgies could place Norway back on the top of the unofficial Scandinavian leaderboard.

Bardagi has a Scandinavian opponent on a similar scoring level with Bodyflight Voluntas from Denmark. Voluntas posted a 15.5 average at this year's national championships earlier in July. Finland's Pro Team has not competed this year, and the new national 4way champion, Silver Knights, has just moved up into the AAA Class competition. Bardagi may have a good shot at the unofficial Scandinavian championship title this year.

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