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Did You Know...

... that NMP-PCH Hayabusa and Thunder evaluated their World Cup performance live for the NSL News?

NSL Talk with NMP-PCH Hayabusa and Thunder
posted Sep 4th, 2012 - The NSL News still has plenty of footage of the World Cup 2012 live coverage from Prostejov, and some of it needs to be uploaded timely, as it could become old news very quickly.

NMP-PCH Hayabusa and Thunder both compete this weekend at the ESL Championship 2012, and last week's scores will be history and replaced by more current ones.

All team members of both teams met with the NSL News on Thursday afternoon and discussed the results at the World Cup and the upcoming competition. Hayabusa will once again try to beat the team's 26.1 record average with this lineup, and Thunder is aiming at the 22.0 average level this weekend.

9way lineup for friendship jump
The NSL Talk took place after the last two rounds of the World Cup were completed and after a Hayabusa/Thunder friendship jump. Both teams joined with Hayabusa alternate Jeroen "Bob" Nollet and made two 9-ways. Videographers Danny Jacobs and Grim Swinnen were both filming and taking photos.

The NSL News was interested in the first self-evaluation of both teams after the conclusion of the World Cup. NMP-PCH Hayabusa was not satisfied with the number of penalties. The total Hayabusa damage in Prostejov was six points. The national teams France (Aerodyne Aerokart) and USA (Arizona Airspeed) will surely conduct their own analysis after studying the Hayabusa videos carefully.

The Belgian top contenders and full time competitors were in a similar situation that France and USA have been in since the Paraclete XP Outdoor Championship 2012. All three teams don't feel a lot of pressure at the meets they attend. The Hayabusa members felt the same in Prostejov.

World Cup 2012Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class1,19,214,18,15N,16,20E,6,J,AC,K,9,13F,8,11Q,22,L,21B,17,H,P12,D,0,4G,10,7TotalAvg
1NMP-PCH Hayabusa (BE) 21 19 22 33 31 22 23 40 24 2626126.1
2Thunder (BE) 20 17 20 24 27 20 20 31 20 1921821.8
3SportLoto (RU) 16 17 21 29 20 19 20 31 19 2021221.2
Hayabusa/Thunder 9way jump
image by: Danny Jacobs
The situation was different for Thunder. The Belgian/Dutch 4way combination was accepted as a guest team by the host, and the FAI rules allow an international lineup to compete if the host agrees. Thunder had great opposition by the Russian team SportLoto, which is probably the second best unofficial "amateur team" in the world at the moment.

Only six point separated both teams after ten rounds. Thunder did not appear on the official leaderboard with a score for Round 10 and withdrew after Round 9. However, the judges did their job for Thunder, as well as for all other teams in Round 10, and the 21.8 average is the team's highest outdoor average so far.

Thunder would have easily broken the 22.0 average in Prostejov without the total deduction of seven points. Six points of the whole damage were lost in Round 4 alone, as the NSL News reported ealier. The 22.0 mark will most likely fall this weekend with an average competition draw. The NSL News will be ready to post the scores as quickly as possible.

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