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The other national champion teams have already set their eyes on the Mondial 2012 in Dubai, which includes the World Championship of Formation Skydiving. The NSL News will provide the usual live coverage of both events directly from the competition site.
Other than that, the bigway experts begin to dream of the beautiful fall weather in Florida and some of the great Kaleidoscope Dives that World Team leader BJ Worth has put together since 2001. Last not least, the teams who still have not had enough of 4way after the USPA Nationals also get the opportunity to watch bigways and do their last 4way meet jumps of the year at SkyQuest's NSL Championship. The preparations for this event are also in full swing, and BJ Worth released his first update.
This year, the Kaleidoscope Dives will focus on a special goal to raise the bar on big-way sequential. One team of 100 skydivers will build the world’s first 100way circle - with everyone on the dive being in the big Star. This goal will be achieved via a series of multiple pre-star 100way formations, which will open up to a round 100way star. Yes, very round!
After completing this primary goal, the Kaleidoscope Divers will conduct a unique 3-point 100way dive sequence. This second dive sequence will also have special significance, as it will be a dry run for World Team’s bigway sequential record slated for April 2013. If time permits, additional 100way sequential dives will take place as part of this event.
Due to the challenging goals, only the highest skilled bigway sequential skydivers will be invited to join the 2012 Kaleidoscope Dives. Confirmed team members will be directed to the link on the NSL website to formally secure a slot on the roster by paying their registration fees.
For more information regarding participation and to secure the slot, please contact BJ Worth by e-mail.