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Did You Know...

... that Arizona Airspeed missed a new team record average in Round 4?

New amateur record average: DNR
posted Oct 30th, 2012 - The atmosphere in the viewing area at the USPA Nationals 2012 was almost like a gold medal situation when Round 10 between DNR and the Golden Knights female 4way lineup was judged. It was a dramatic finish, and the crowd had a good reason to get excited.

Arizona Airspeed's excellent 37-pointer and Evolution's 33-pointer fell behind the cheers for the finish between DNR and Golden Knights. DNR went into the last round one point ahead of the US national team in the female 4way category and was never behind throughout the whole meet. However, DNR could never shake off the Golden Knights and offered them a great opportunity to feel serious competition pressure before the upcoming trip to Dubai.

DNR member Ben Liston felt much better this morning, as he told the NSL News this morning, even though he was still under medication. The DNR performance was surely not suffering, as the team finally erased the Mass Defiance record average for a weekend amateur team.

New team record average: Golden Knights
DNR simply did not win the bronze medals after a stellar performance due to the even better performance by the Golden Knights. The 20.8 average is another new highscore for the team, and the situation could not be much better before traveling to Dubai. The NSL News will follow up later with a conversation on NSL-TV with the US Army team.

Both US Air Force teams are tied in 1st place in the USPA Advanced Class rankings and have to go up one more time for a jump-off round.

Cosmic Debris completed the comeback after the 0-pointer in Round 5 successfully by winning four of the following five rounds and not giving up a single point after the Round 5 disaster. The NSL News still does not know exactly what caused the trouble. The investigation continues...

Round 4: Arizona Airspeed exit
Arizona Airspeed provided the video footage as promised, and the audience now has the opportunity to compare SDC Rhythm XP and Airspeed directly in Round 1 and Round 4. The new NSL Reality TV clip also includes the video of Round 5, which features the flawless 34-pointer.

The online judges can especially take a closer look at Airspeed's Round 4. The NSL News mentioned earlier that this was the first time ever that Rhythm outscored Airspeed in a competition, after a 4-point deduction for the US national team.

The video shows a pretty clean Airspeed performance, and the audience can go penalty hunting. The point deductions only hurt the Airspeed feelings and not really the standings at all. However, the meet average actually suffered, as a 27-average finish was in reach and would have been a new highscore for Airspeed after the 26.6 average at the Paraclete XP Outdoor Championship 2012. Dubai is the next opportunity, even though the rankings will be more important at the Mondial 2012 than the meet averages...

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