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Did You Know...

... that registration for the female 4way category at the World Challenge 2013 is heating up?

Aerokart Deep Blue at the World Challenge 2010
posted Mar 21st, 2013 - The registration process for the female 4way category at the World Challenge 2013 began with a big bang when the original Aerokart Deep Blue lineup first competed at the annual Aerokart Indoor Championship 2013 and then signed up for the indor competition at Bodyflight Bedford, as well.

Not much happened for a little while until two new team names have recently given this part of the competition some extra spice. USAtori and Polaris have finalized their plans for the World Challenge 2013 and are ready to make it as difficult as possible for the French outdoor world champions of 2010 and partially of 2012.

USAtori has four of the strongest female UK competitors in the lineup. Julia Foxwell has been the Center Outside for UK's national 4way team in the Open Class, Satori, for many years and competed at the Mondial Dubai 2012. Her own team cannot attend the meet this year, which gave John McIver the opportunity to join the XL lineup, and Julia Foxwell will have her own USAtori team for this year's event.

Registered Teams: Aerokart Deep Blue (FR), Isis (UK), Kaizen (UK), Amuroray (IT), Team XX (UK), Danish Vivas (DK), USAtori (INT), Polaris (NO)
World Challenge 2012Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
Rank4way WomenD,Q,9,1017,P,112,21,714,J,O,MA,L,18,16N,H,20,GC,E,19,221,8,4K,6,312,F,5TotalAvg
1UK Just4Fun2522203123272418232123423.4
2Aerodyne D. B. Defenders (FR)2622183121272418212423223.2
3Germany ISB Air Remscheid2523202921262316232122722.7
4Perris Wicked (US)2520173019252116192021221.2
5Polaris (NO)2119182618232117181819919.9
6Maubeuge NPC B3 (FR)2017152614212016191918718.7
7Bodyflight Langar (UK)1718152618201915181618218.2
8Brit Chicks 4 (UK)2115162417211715151918018.0
Just4Fun at the World Challenge 2012
She is joining forces with her original Satori team mate Liz Matthews who won last year's female 4way competition of the World Challenge together with Claire "Sparky" Scott, Amanda Kemp and Tarnya Hollis (Just4Fun). Tarnya Hollis, UK silver medalist in Menzelinsk 2010, is the third USAtori member, and Annie Peterson is the US representative in this lineup. USAtori can be expected on at least the same scoring level as Just4Fun last year.

The NSL News introduced another strong UK lineup with the story on 26 January 2013. Isis (Luci Boella, Sarah Cannon, Anna Hicks, Sian Stokes) want to become UK's national team in the female 4way category. However, there is more and strong competition.

USAtori is only a team for the meet, while Kaizen has been around for many years and is back in the female 4way category with a new lineup. Original member Rai Ahmed and Lynne Murray of the 2012 lineup have joined forces with former Brit Chicks Maria Russell and Laura McLelland. Isis will have to work hard to take the top position this year, and the World Challenge 2013 is the first UK showdown.

World Challenge 2009Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Open Class17,10,419,Q,8G,7,D,9A,C,E,H,K14,M,J,3N,16,620,F,1215,21,L13,22,1811,2,BTotalAvg
6GKXP (US)2222324523242121181924724.7
7Arcteryx (NO)2024314123232121192124424.4
8Satori (UK)1921304524211922182224124.1
Arcteryx Nice at the World Challenge 2009
Polaris is coming to Bedford with a different lineup, as well, and can also be expected on the same or an even higher performance level compared to last year. Ditta Valsdottir is filling Kristine Willadsen's Point slot.

Ditta Valsdottir was a member of Norway's national 4way team in the Open Class, Arcteryx. She placed 5th for Norway at the World Meet 2008 in Maubeuge with a 22.5 average and competed with two other Arcteryx members (Ole Petter Hjelle, Mathias Nord) and French 4way world champion of 2003, Julien Losantos, at the World Challenge 2009. Then she stepped back after the World Games at the end of the 2009 season.

Arcteryx with Ditta Valsdottir posted a 24.4 average at the World Challenge 2009, which shows that she will not hold back Polaris from scoring as high as the team is able to. The Norwegian bronze medalist at the Mondial Dubai 2012 fnished with a 19.2 average at the World Challenge 2011 and with 19.9 last year. The 20+ average seems to be guaranteed this year.

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