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Did You Know...

... that last weekend's competition included VFS 4way?

Jean-Christophe "JC" Ouimet with Evolution at the Mondial Dubai 2012
posted Jun 21st, 2013 - Last weekend's competition at Parachute Montreal also included VFS 4way. Two Canadian teams (Drop Outs, Para Montreal) competed against each other and had their own leaderboard.

It is not a big surprise that VFS 4way has its special place in Canada. The three Lemay brothers (Martin, Vincent, Benoit) of the national 4way team Evolution are passionate VFS fans and world class performers. They finished 4th at the Mondial Dubai 2012 with Philippe Thibodeau in the lineup.

4way videographer Jean-Christophe "JC" Ouimet then joined the VFS 4way lineup, and Evolution placed 2nd at the indoor competition Singapore in December 2012.

Para MontrealDrop Outs
Jean-Christophe "JC" Ouimet with the Drop Outs last weekend
Jean-Christophe "JC" Ouimet is still filming Evolution in traditional 4way, where Katie Woods has the Point slot. He also continues to compete with the three Lemay brothers in VFS 4way.

Evolution did not attend last weekend's competition, and Jean-Christophe Ouimet had the opportunity to join the Drop Outs lineup in VFS 4way. The new NSL-TV videos include the four competition rounds of the Drop Outs.

Para Montreal was the other team in the VFS 4way competition last weekend and had to accept the second place behind the Drop Outs. Para Montreal actually won one round due to a 0-pointer for the Drop Outs in Round 1. Para Montreal had their own 0-pointer in Round 2, and the videos provides the evidence.

June 14th, 2013Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4TotalAvg
RankVFS 4wayA,N,B,J,10L,K,7,121,19,178,H,Q,20TotalAvg
1Drop Outs (CA)081011297.3
2Para Montreal (CA)2078174.3
Gabrielle and Mario Prévost
Skydiving families are not unusual in the sport, and Canada has a fair share of it. The NSL Sun Path News has covered the Lemay 4way family often enough, and the story on 17 April 2013 introduced another flying family in Canada: Richard, Yannick and Valerie Bisson with 4way indoor team 4Astrophe.

The latest family update from Canada connects the VFS 4way team Para Montreal with last weekend's AAA Class winner Fuzion. Mario Prévost competed with the Para Montreal VFS team, while his daughter Gabrielle Prévost posted the highest Canadian score in the female 4way category.

Mario Prévost works at Parachute Montreal and is also involved with the SkyVenture Montreal wind tunnel. His family has enough opportunities to practice, and last weekend's leaderboards show some of the results.

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