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... that Eric Heinsheimer welcomes the audience to a new NSL Reality TV Show?

Russian folk music by Leonid Kazinets
posted Aug 16th, 2013 - The 8way competition at the World Cup 2013 was continued after a change of plans. The teams will complete nine rounds today and finish up tomorrow.

France was standing at a 22.0 average after Round 8, and it will be very difficult to get to 230 points at the end of the competition. The sequence of Round 9 has a fast part with three random formations but is followed by a slow block.

The Golden Knights will most likely keep the highest meet average in history on their side, and Eric Heinsheimer will continue to own the 31-point world record for a single round since 1997. He anchored today's first Sun Path Products NSL News update, as Joey Jones was not at the DZ in the morning. The 4way teams he is coaching are scheduled to compete in the afternoon.
Click on the score for a round with a link to see the teams' videos

World Cup 2013Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
Rank8way OpenO,4,H,39,17,PL,1,G,127,10,2116,E,A,158,2,B18,5,QF,14,K,NM,C,D,1320,J,19TotalAvg
1Aerodyne Maubeuge (FR)2918231730181922--17622.0
2Barkli 8 (RU)2314(-1)201319(-2)121719--13717.1
3NPC Espoir Maubeuge 8 (FR)2213(-1)171319(-1)141518--13116.4
VFS 4way discussion over lunch: Jason Russell and Philippe Schorno
The new NSL Reality TV clip begins with music from Russia. Barkli member and sponsor Leonid Kazinets was playing the guitar and singing a Russian song during lunch break. Ear candy has replaced eye candy for the moment, even though all available 8way videos can now be reviewed following the links on the extended leaderboard.

Eric Heinsheimer brought interesting news from the judging room, as well. The VFS teams are currently discussing an issue with judges and rule makers. The definition for sit-flying requires interpretation, which does not always match the understanding and execution by the VFS competitors. Clarification of the rules will be needed for the young discipline.

Filming the competition jumps is also critical, at least in the middle of the day. The sun is on top of the teams and the camera and can make the visibility difficult or impossible. The VFS 4way competition was stopped for today and will resume in the morning when the sun is much lower.

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