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Did You Know...

... that Northern California posted a highscore in the first Indoor Cloud League event at iFLY SF Bay?

Florida's August lineup at iFLY Orlando
posted Sep 1st, 2013 - The August leaderboard of the growing Indoor Cloud League is complete, even though the teams still have a few more days to turn in late videos of flying sessions that were held before September 1.

Deb Correia's Northwest Skydiving League team at iFLY Seattle took the 1st place with a new record total of 122 points for the six ICL sequences. Her group had won the May competition with a total of 121 points, which was her highest score until now.

Ari Perelman's Florida Skydiving League group at iFLY Orlando took the 2nd place for August, and the Florida lead is down to 5 : 3 after eight months this year. Florida won the Indoor Cloud League 2012 by 3 : 2 over Northwest. It was only a duel between the two groups when the Indoor Cloud League was launched in July. Five groups are now posting scores month by month.

August 2013AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1iFLY Seattle (US) (US)182921172413122
2iFLY Orlando (US)171520182012102
3iFLY SF Bay (US)-1419-25-58
4Skydive Arena (CZ)261615---57
5SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)-------
Northwest August lineup at iFLY Seattle
NWSL team Synergy outscored Florida almost single-handedly. The outstanding 29-pointer for the AA Class sequence is showing how much a trained team can contribute for any of the groups.

Synergy's 2013 lineup consists of Petro Ksondzyk (Outside Center), Andrew Marenich (Inside Center), Helen Ursachii (Tail) and Dmitry Rudchenko (Point). Synergy had also posted the highest scores for the AAA and AA Class sequences in July. Florida compensated in other categories, and the Northwest group did not have a score for the Rookie A Class sequence. This month, Deb Coreia's group had great scores for all sequences, and Synergy put the ice on the NWSL cake.

The other outstanding performance was recorded at the Skydive Arena in Prague, Czech Republic. AAA Class team Bad Boyz is responsible for the 26-pointer, which outscored both AAA Class lineups from the Northwest and Florida clearly. The Bad Boyz are the new Czech outdoor 4way champion, as well.

Bad Boyz (Skydive Arena)Synergy (iFY Seattle)
Northern California August lineup at iFLY SF Bay
The Northern California Skydiving League joined the Indoor Cloud League for the first time at iFLY SF Bay. NCSL Director Lori Connor is preparing teams and competitors in her region for a comeback of the league, which the Sun Path Products NSL News reported on 24 July 2013. The Indoor Cloud League events and outdoor skills camps are parts of the preparations.

The NCSL group had a great start with three sequences and scores that kept up with the others. In fact, the Rookie AA Class lineup posted the highest number in this category. Player coaches Don Burnette and Julius Frank guided NCSL Director Lori Connor and Pete Swan to the winning 25-pointer.

Don Burnette was a Vibe member last year and took the 1st place in USPA's Advanced Class. He now trains with Shannon Pilcher, Ari Perelman and Nick Grillet for the USPA Nationals 2013.

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