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Did You Know...

... that Michael Hare and Earl Coggin won cash and prizes in 2way at iFLY Orlando?

Live judging at iFLY Orlando
posted Oct 6th, 2013 - The Sun Path Products NSL News visited iFLY Orlando yesterday evening to cover a small regional 2way competition where several of the indoor regulars at the NSL Tunnel Kicker and Indoor Cloud League events and competitors of the Florida Skydiving League participated.

The event was a combination of serious FS competition and an entertaining show for participants and visitors. The participants could show up at 7 PM for an 8 PM start of the competition and were done after four rounds and award ceremony at 9 PM.

Solly Williams and Ari Perelman provided real live judging, as they were sitting with stop watches on the other side of the flight chamber and had the score for each flying session before the next 2way team would enter. The winners after all four rounds were announced when the competition was over.

Award ceremony of the 2way competition
The lineups of the eight 2way teams were a colorful combination of player coaches, family members, experienced competitors and rookies.

Former DeLand Higgs Boson member Michael Hare and SDC Accelerando member Earl Coggin practiced the 2way dive pool for 20 minutes prior to the competition, which was enough to take the 1st place and a few hundred dollars cash, plus several other prizes. DeLand DeLand member Hal Spence and Team Guinness member of long ago, Hannah Barnes, teamed up for a DeLand lineup and won the 2nd place. Coach Robert Chromy and his 20-year old stepson Diego took the bronze medals.

The event continued with a freeflying performance of best tricks, mostly between the tunnel instructors, and a 2way scramble is scheduled for Sunday evening.

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