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Did You Know...

... that Pyro4ic won a round over Zunday for the first time at Skydive City?

First round over Zunday: Pyro4ic
posted Oct 20th, 2013 - All four members of the only Team from Florida at the USPA Nationals 2013, 1zt Rodeo, were back in their original lineups this weekend.

Gary Fox and Keith Murray competed with Zunday in the A Class after their AA/Intermediate Class experience at the USPA Nationals. Grant Underland was back with Pyro4ic in the A Class trying to get closer to the local rivals of Zunday. Erica Gorski was Point again for her 4nicatorZ Rookie Class team and attended her 6th competition this year, including the USPA Nationals.

4nicatorZ fended off the new FSL Rookies at Skydive City, Zeus, by two points after three rounds. Zunday and Pyro4ic both completed their 6th competition this year, as well, and will finish the 2013 season with a 10-round competition at SkyQuest 2013.

FSL October 2013Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6TotalAvg
RankA ClassM,B,OK,217,AJ,H,6F,D,48,2TotalAvg
1Zunday (US)1981112856310.5
2Pyro4ic (US)1287976498.2
FSL September 013Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4TotalAvg
RankA ClassJ,K,EO,C,6F,H,221,DTotalAvg
1Zunday (US)13111194411.0
2Pyro4ic (US)10768317.8
FSL July 2013Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4TotalAvg
RankA ClassM,9H,21K,G,LE,Q,2TotalAvg
1Zunday (US)149511399.8
2Pyro4ic (US)11936297.3
10.5 average over six rounds: Zunday
Both A Class teams have been pushing each other at Skydive City, and FurtheranZe coach Bob Byrne was helping both teams throughout the 2013 season. Zunday competed in the A Class at all six meets, while Pyro4ic used the Rookie Class dive pool and rules for the first three meets of the year. The team moved up into the A Class in July and has been trying to get closer to Zunday.

It has been working well for Pyro4ic with a consistent A Class progression (7.3 - 7.8 - 8.2) and Zunday has to watch out. The Zunday progression for the same rounds at the same meets (9.8 - 11.0 - 10.5) is showing that Zunday offered an opening this weekend, and Pyro4ic used it.

Zunday had a strong start and a slower end of the 6-round competition. Pyro4ic had only tied the Zunday scores two times before Round 6 on Sunday came up. The 6-pointer outscored Zunday for the first time in a single round and brought Pyro4ic another inch closer to the local rivals. The NSL Championship at SkyQuest 2013 will be the last and final showdown this year between the two Z-teams.

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