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Did You Know...

... that France Maubeuge and Sinapsi PD completed their mini meet?

posted Mar 19th, 2009 - The 6-round mini meet between France Maubeuge and Sinapsi PD was completed yesterday, and the missing scores have been added to the mini leaderboard. Sinapsi eventually won one round, the last one, and finished with a 21.7 average
France Maubeuge - Sinapsi PD
Sinapsi PD13021.7
France Maubeuge2620 (-1)302014023.3
Sinapsi PD at the mini meet in DeLand
Pete Allum said that he was quite happy with the results of the meet:

"It was a little bit difficult to digest the scores of the first three rounds. But it felt a lot better when we began to stay closer to the French team. In fact, we were eventually closer than we thought we could be."

France Maubeuge still ended up ten points ahead of the Italian top contender. The 23.3 average in the 6-round competition draw with a medium pace level shows that the French team is well prepared for the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2009, which begins tomorrow afternoon.

Sinapsi PD provided the NSL-TV footage for today's uploaded jumps. Five of the six rounds can now be reviewed.

Sinapsi PD's Round 4 of the mini meet - see video
Sinapsi PD waits for the next score
Livio Piccolo and Luca Marchioro are already back in Italy by now where work is waiting for both of them. Pete Allum and Steve Hamilton staid in DeLand and switched straight to coaching work. The Czech team Fast Arrows, which is also registered for the Shamrock Showdown competition, had 2-on-2 training on today's agenda. The two Sinapsi members teamed up with two Czech players in each training jump.

France Maubeuge added another full training day with 12 jumps today, side by side one again with Aerokart Deep Blue. It was also a full training day for most of the other Shamrock teams on site.

The CamScore judging and DZ-TV system is set up and prepared for action. Andy Mansfield had some additional homework to do before he came to DeLand yesterday. It is the first competition for CamScore where most of the footage will be dubbed in NTSC format. He ran several tests today, which all turned out successfully.

Fiona McEachern with her team at the Nationals
The Chair of IPC's Formation Skydiving Committee, Fiona McEachern, provided guidelines for the slower speed judging. She was in the middle of the Australian Nationals 2009 when the NSL News asked for the recommendation. The Australian scores will be posted soon.

Fiona McEachern said that a 70% speed seems to be favored by judges who have tested it. She recommended one full speed viewing to get the freeze frame, followed by two more viewings, either in full speed or in 70% reduced speed.

Sinapsi PD's Round 6 of the mini meet - see video
Several teams plan to make a few warmup jumps Friday morning. This will be the time when the complete CamScore system will be tested under meet conditions and the team videographers will have the opportunity to learn the extremely user-friendly dubbing procedures. The NSL News will begin with the live coverage as early as possible.

Team briefing and competition draw is scheduled for 12 pm. Teams will load the Twinotters at 3 pm for Round 1. Two competition rounds are scheduled for Friday afternoon.

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