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Did You Know...

... that the Northwest ICL group posted a record total at iFLY Seattle?

Northwest team at iFLY Seattle
posted Jan 2nd, 2014 - The Indoor Cloud League competition of 2013 is over, and it ended with record results for all participating groups in the TOP 4 spots for December.

Each of the four groups at iFLY Orlando, iFLY Seattle, Sportsflight Skydive Arena and iFLY SF Bay posted at least one highscore in one of the six categories. The newest NSL-TV clip below features the "ICL Best of December" with the winners of each category.

Deb Correia's Northwest Skydiving League group at iFLY Seattle added the last scores for the month of December 2013 to the ICL leaderboard. She held two events in December and once again had an overflow of people who wanted to participate. 21 Northwest flyers eventually collected scoring points at iFLY Seattle.

December 2013AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1iFLY Orlando (US)212322272742162
2iFLY Seattle (US)182419182737143
3Skydive Arena (CZ)241419172432130
4iFLY SF Bay (US)211724(-1)142129126
5SkyVenture Montreal (CA)231818---59
6SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)-------
New flyers Samatha Oldfield (left) and Meghann Oudman (right) with Carolyn Chow and Dave Correia
Deb Correia reported that both sessions had a few participants who were brand new to the event and to 4way: "Sue Stangl flew with Beth Brown and coaches Jeff Smith and myself in the first session. Meghann OĆ¼dman and Samantha Oldfield had coaches Carolyn Chow and Dave Correia in the lineup at the second session."

She had a great score for the Rookie A Class, too, where Florida team ZEUS improved their own score from 16 to 42 at the beginning of this week:

"The Rookie A Class sequence was obviously a barn-stormer. Both of my teams had a final score of 37, but the cleaner dive was done by the team with Sue and Beth, who also turned in the top score for the Rookie AA Class with a 27. All of the teams in both sessions were very close in the scores, with ties in the Rookie AAA and A divisions."

Northwest coaches in AA and AAA at iFLY Seattle
Deb Correia said her teams chose some creative engineering for the A Class sequence: "Most teams chose to flash between P (Side Body) and Block 7 (Side Buddies - Side Buddies) but to slot-switch the front piece for Block 7." She said that it didn't seem to make a big difference in the final scores, although the totals were tied for the top score in that category at the time of the Northwest video submission.

Coaches Deb Correia, Carolyn Chow, Jeff Smith and David Zhang collected the Northwest points in the AA and AAA Class in separate sessions following the regular ones: "Block 17 was fairly new for us and presented a challenge with the slot switchers and Block 14 (Bipole - Bipole). We again employed some creative engineering on this one, choosing to do the same 14 each time so that no one had to turn a different direction or remember if they were infacing or outfacing. So David hopped on the 17 each time."

Deb Correia had five player coaches, and each of them flew in four of the five sessions. Deb Correia herself had a different slot each time. Result of the creative Northwest engineering and slot scrambling was the best performance and highest total ever with 143 points...

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