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Did You Know...

... that Florida added 27 points to the ICL February account at iFLY Orlando?

Florida group at iFLY Orlando Thursday night
posted Feb 28th, 2014 - The smaller world of the Indoor Cloud League deserves one more update before the full attention of the Sun Path Products NSL News will shift to the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2014 for the weekend. The competition draw and meet briefing is scheduled for this evening at 8:00 PM, and the ten indoor sequences will be posted as soon as possible.

The Florida Skydiving League group had one more attempt last night at iFLY Orlando to add some more points to the Indoor Cloud League account, and it turned out to be a very successful effort. Florida brought up the total number of ICL points for all six February sequences from 120 to 147 points.

It was not enough to catch up with the Czech teams at the Skydive Arena in Prague, but it gave iFLY Orlando back the 2nd place in the current overall standings. Scores and videos from iFLY Seattle (Northwest Skydiving League) and iFLY SF Bay (Northern California Skydiving League) are still in the works.

27 February 2014AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1Skydive Arena (CZ)263323302912153
2iFLY Orlando (US)233025202425(-1)147
3SkyVenture Montreal (CA)24281814(-7)2220126
4SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)--1922(-1)--41
5iFLY Seattle (US)-------
5iFLY SF Bay (US)-------
James Hall (right) in the AA Class lineup
Florida improved the scores in four of the six categories. The AAA Class lineup, with the three coaches helping to collect points, had another AA Class competitor in the Point slot this time. Former Zunday member Sebastian Jimenez was in the AAA Class team earlier this month and scored 22 points. DeLand DeLand's Point Hal Spence was in the slot this time and added one point to the AAA Class score.

Then it was time for another new 4way competitor, who came out of iFLY Orlando's Tunnel Kicker program. James Hall was in the Point slot with the three coaches for the AA Class sequence and helped lifting Florida's score from 23 to 30 points for February.

Team ZEUS from Skydive City was eager and committed to improve their own 20-pointer and finished the tunnel night with 24 points and without point deductions.

10 February 2014AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1Skydive Arena (CZ)263323302912153
2SkyVenture Montreal (CA)242818142220126
3iFLY Orlando (US)2223252020(-2)10120
4SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)--1922(-1)--41
5iFLY Seattle (US)-------
5iFLY SF Bay (US)-------
Two Aurai members added 15 points
Last not least, two DeLand Aurai members (Alix Raymond, Cathy Luo) joined forces with Steve Hubbard and Chris Rhodes when their own complete lineup was not available. Aurai had planned to train at iFLY Orlando on Thursday and then improve the scores with their original lineup. The plan did not work out, however, the Rookie A Class lineup improved the previous score by 15 points.

The total of 147 points is Florida's second highest result in the history of the Indoor Cloud League. Several new 4way players participated at the iFLY Orlando Tunnel Kicker last night. They did not contribute to the FSL account, and the better trained FSL flyers ended up in the scoring lineups.

However, the Florida group of 4way competitors and participants keeps growing, and more new flyers, such as Sebastian Jimenez and James Hall did before, will soon end up on the ICL leaderboard, as well.

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