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Did You Know...

... that 13-year old Yannick Bisson followed up with the June highscore for a new AAA Class slot switcher?

4Astrophe with Katie Woods
posted Jun 30th, 2014 - The Sun Path Products NSL News reported on 11 June 2014 how 13-year young Yannick Bisson, 4Astrophe's Point, mastered his first slot switcher sequence (O,E,14,3) in the AAA Class competition of the Indoor Cloud League competition for May with a 15-pointer.

Evolution member Katie Woods was the Tail for the Bisson family team during the Indoor Cloud League mission for SkyVenture Montreal, and the NSL Talk with her on 16 June 2014 provided additional information of her time with father Richard, daughter Valerie and son Yannick Bisson.

Yannick Bisson's first competitive experience with a AAA Class slot switcher was only the beginning for the Bisson family in this category, and five other Indoor Cloud League AAA Class lineups outscored 4Astrophe's 15-pointer in May.

June 2014AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1iFLY Orlando (US)1617(-1)192323(-1)24(-1)122
2Skydive Arena (CZ)202425161815118
2iFLY SF Bay (US)17(-1)1923162221118
4SkyVenture Montreal (CA)2120----41
Czech national 4way team Bad Boys
Katie Woods said that she would probably spend some more time with 4Astrophe in the wind tunnel, and the latest Indoor Cloud League videos from SkyVenture Montreal are showing the results of her additional flying time with the Bisson family.

This time, Yannick Bisson did not only master the new AAA Class sequence for the Indoor Cloud League June competition successfully. He and his father and sister posted the highest score for the new slot switcher sequence (D,C,15,17) with a 21-pointer that outscored all other teams, including the Czech national 4way team, Bad Boys.

The Bad Boys scored higher for the AA Class sequence (D,C,Q,18) and won the combination of both categories (44 - 41) that both teams performed in May and June. However, 4Astrophe has moved closer to the Bad Boys after the May competition (46 - 38) and posted the team's first Indoor Cloud League highscore for a round.

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