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Did You Know...

... that Florida has to get the new Rookie Class flyers ready for scoring soon?

Florida July group at iFLY Orlando
posted Jul 8th, 2014 - The Indoor Cloud League sequences for the month of July are faster for the AAA and AA Class teams and lineups compared to the previous months, while the A Class has a 2-block sequence for the first time this year. The three sequences for the Rookie Class categories are training for the Adder (Random Formation L) and other formations with cheated cats.

The Florida Skydiving League group met at iFLY Orlando last week for the first time this month to train the basic skills and try the new sequences. Most of the participants once again met earlier last Thursday for an additional skills training session ("Pre-Kicker") before the Indoor Cloud League sequences would come up later the same evening at the "NSL Tunnel Kicker".

The first scores from Florida confirm that the AAA and AA Class sequences will generate higher scores this month. Sebastian Jimenez, James Hall, Hal Spence and Kurt Gaebel outscored another FSL lineup (Jim Prochaska, Jon Agar, Hal Spence, Kurt Gaebel) in those two categories, while Jim Prochaska and Jon Agar did better with the A Class sequence.

July 2014AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1iFLY Orlando (US)212417181922121
DeLand Aurai with Adam Money
DeLand Aurai was in top form again and provided the scores for all three Rookie Class categories. The team members had joined the indoor activities at iFLY Orlando as individuals last year and quickly decided to stay together and train as a team. The results are obvious.

Aurai still had a personnel change in the meantime. Original member Lisa Hickey did not continue with the team, and Adam Money was glad to fill the slot. He was also an individual flyer at earlier NSL Tunnel Kicker and Indoor Skydiving League events at iFLY Orlando. Adam Money has taken the Tail slot for indoor and outdoor training and competition.

The DeLand team is still eligible for all three Rookie Class categories. However, it is only a matter of time when the new Aurai lineup will follow the ZEUS example and score 25 points or higher. That's the ICL benchmark that requires teams and individuals to move up into the next higher category after posting two 25-pointers.

New Rookie Class flyers getting ready for ICL scoring: Maddie Sortino, Kyle Poe, Sarah Hernandez
The new videos show the complete NSL Tunnel Kicker session at iFLY Orlando, including the sequences that are counting for the total number of ICL points on the July leaderboard.

Four different lineups took on the ICL July sequences and competed with each other for the highest numbers on the new leaderboard. Several other participants continued with their basic indoor training in 3-way and 4-way groups. They will most likely put up their own first 4-way scores at the next ICL event at iFLY Orlando.

It will soon be time for the Florida group to have the new flyers ready for the Rookie Class sequences, as DeLand Aurai will not be eligible for much longer. It has happened in the past, and Florida has not run out of new 4-way competitors yet...

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