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Did You Know...

... that NMP-PCH Hayabusa runs on speed control?

Relaxed: NMP-PCH Hayabusa point Dennis Praet
posted Nov 30th, 2014 - It is time to catch up with the new NMP-PCH Hayabusa lineup. The Sun Path Products NSL News eventually had the opportunity on the second day of 4-way competition when the Belgian world champions were preparing for their 5th competition round at the 5th Dubai International Parachuting Championship.

It was not the right time for NSL Talk, especially not with new member Jeroen "Bob" Nollet, who has more than enough work to focus on. The NSL-TV camera followed the team through the whole procedures of jump preparations, beginning in the team room with reviews of former Hayabusa training or competition jumps and discussing the details with the team's new tail.

Coach Gary Smith had more time than the team members, who had to get ready, and he provided information and insights. Hayabusa does not show any signs of additional pressure and gives the impressions of a casual and relaxed atmosphere. However, when the 15-minute call came, it took the team members ten seconds to move from the team room to the creeper pad, following the plan for jump preparations consequently.

Relaxed: NMP-PCH Hayabusa members
NMP-PCH Hayabusa shared the jump plane with the other top teams in Dubai. Evolution and SDC Rhythm XP were in the boarding area at the same time when the Sun Path Products NSL News collected footage for the feature story.

The Belgians are very happy with their performance so far, as they see the Canadian team as the top contender at the 5th DIPC 2014 and in the near future. Evolution came with the same lineup to Dubai that won the bronze medals at the FAI World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2014, and Hayabusa was tied in 1st place with Evolution after Round 4.

The next rounds bring the faster sequences to the 4-way teams, and Hayabusa likes faster rounds. The returning team members still know that they have to control their speed for Jeroen "Bob" Nollet, and the scores for the upcoming rounds will show how much the new Hayabusa lineup is in synch by now.

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