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Did You Know...

... that M8trix flies very Gary?

M8trix at the World Meet 2014 in Prostejov
posted Dec 16th, 2014 - The Sun Path Products NSL News brought the battle for the 4th place in 8-way at the FAI World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2014 to the attention of the audience on 29 September 2014. The story provided insights from the M8trix perspective and mentioned that the Dutch team was planning to continue in 2015.

The 4-way lineup, M4trix, competed at the ISR Grand Prix 2014 in the meantime and while the 8-way plans for next year were in the works. The planning has been completed, and M8trix is preparing for the 2015 season.

One M8trix member is not coming back next year, and it did not take long until a replacement for Daphne Ruijsendaal was found. Former NRG member Rogier Carper has joined the 2015 lineup and takes the open slot. The other seven M8trix members will continue in their familiar slots, and Ronny Dumay is again on camera.

Aug 26th, 2014Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10Rd. 11TotalAvg
Rank8-way OpenE,3,C,5F,G,D,2119,H,2M,4,1O,14,A,P8,J,167,11,1222,20,1517,G,1813,B,9Q,10,N,LTotalAvg
1Golden Knights 8 (US)24221526222119262120-21621.6
2Barkli (RU)191813251416161918132019117.4
3Venturi (FR)191614231813181915161919017.3
4Microclim8 (UK)14141115121312151213-13113.1
5M8Trix (NL)15131117111313151012-13013.0
6Australia (AU)12131118111212121012-12312.3
7Dubai Asaar (AE)1197134109811--829.1
8Maximum Ride (CA)10961188877--748.2
ISR Grand Prix 2014Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8TotalAvg
RankAAA ClassB,7,14E,N,2,2210,F,17A,Q,6,M5,K,D,OL,11,21P,9,1812,G,J,15TotalAvg
1Thunder ISR (BE)282526373424292422728.4
2M4trix (NL)231920282719231917822.3
3Creeps (BE)221921282717241917722.1
M4trix at the ISR Grand Prix 2014
The 2015 lineup expects Rogier Carper to keep pushing the team's performance level. M8trix is confident that the new Dutch national 8-way records, just posted this year, will fall again in 2015. M8trix aims at a peak performance on home turf at the World Cup 2015.

The M8trix lineup plans to do approx. 200 training jumps at the Paracentrum Texel during several training camps beginning in May. There will also be indoor training of up to eight hours at Bodyflight Bedford in the winter season. The indoor training will be the opportunity for the new front diver to learn his slot and get used to the M8trix pace.

Team speaker Leander van Schriek said that much of the training will be focused on "maintaining our present disciplined style of skydiving". He said that Microclim8's Martin Soulsby explained this style at the world meet in Prostejov: "M8trix flies very Gary"...

Microclim8's Martin Soulsby: "M8trix flies very Gary"
Leander van Schriek still believes that player coach Gary Smith may add some speed training to the training program, as well. He said that M8trix has neither really focused on speed nor tried to fly faster so far:

"Last year, Gary allowed us to experiment with speed only at a couple of jumps. These experiments worked out fine and seem to work. The team looks forward to putting a speed phase in our training program."

M8trix will also attend the national championships next year and most likely win the 5th consecutive 8-way title. This will qualify the team officially to represent the Netherlands at the Mondial 2016 at Skydive Chicago. The Sun Path Products NSL News will soon follow up with the M4trix plans.

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