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Did You Know...

... that the Indoor Cloud League competition for December heated up at the end?

Northwest Skydiving League group at iFLY Seattle
posted Jan 2nd, 2015 - The Indoor Cloud League competition for December is coming to its end with momentum.

Hurricane Factory (Czech Republic) and iFLY Orlando (Florida Skydiving League) have been sitting on their totals for a while, and nothing will change on the top of the leaderboard. iFLY Seattle (Northwest Skydiving League) and iFLY SF Bay (Northern California Skydiving League) submitted videos and scores at the very end of the month. Only the scores from iFLY Dallas are still missing.

iFLY SF Bay's Rookie AA Class lineup (Coaches Don Burnette and Julius Frank with Michelle Hart and Kiran Shivaram) claimed a highscore in this category with the 33-pointer, while iFLY Seattle finished in 3rd place without any highscores last month.

December 2014AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1Hurricane Factory (CZ)202322212735148
2iFLY Orlando (US)16192126(-1)2832142
3iFLY Seattle (US)152015232730130
4iFLY SF Bay (US)162115153322122
5SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)7121412(-2)17(-1)2284
6SkyVenture Montreal (CA)18231722--80
7iFLY Dallas (US)-------
Deb Correia with her Rookie AAA Class lineup
Deb Correia reported from Seattle that her group held one main event in December.

She had three lineups with returning participants.

She said that coaches David Zhang and Dmitry Rudchenko started off their group, Mohamed Abou-Gindia and Mike Armanios, with a couple of drill dives before flying the competition sequences.

It paid off for this lineup with scores of 30 and 27 in the Rookie A and Rookie AA categories.

Northwest Skydiving and Indoor Cloud League coaches
Deb Correia flew with Martin Fox, Steve Platt and Kurt Ferstl, turning in a 23-pointer for the Rookie AAA Class sequence. Kurt Ferstl had competed for iFLY Seattle before, and he was moved up a category after attending a 4-way camp in Elsinore. Deb Correia said that he was nervous about it, but finally did a great job.

Coaches Dave Correia and Andrew Marenich also flew with Paul Stoddard and Isaac Bahr. They also had some great scores, as Deb Correia said, but they were just behind the local leaders in their categories.

In addition to the scheduled event, Deb Correia also flew with Monica Aikins, D'Arcy Kaaua, and Jeremy Eggums, turning in the 30-pointer for the Rookie A Class sequence. Coaches Dave Correia, Deb Correia, Jeff Smith and David Zhang also found an evening to fly together and provided videos and scores for the AA and AAA categories.

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