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Did You Know...

... that the Hurricane Factory posted a new Indoor Cloud League record total?

Rookie Class winners at the World Challenge 2014
posted Jan 17th, 2015 - The total of 175 points was the highest result so far in the young history of the Indoor Cloud League. Jan Klapka's Czech group of 4-way teams put together this record number in March 2014 at the Hurricane Factory in Prague.

The record total was strongly supported by the 42-pointer that Rookie Class team HF Chicks contributed for the RR Class sequence (M-K-F). The HF Chicks then competed a few weeks later at the World Challenge 2014 and won the Rookie Class with a 33.0 average for the team's first ten indoor rounds at a competition. The HF Chicks are now competing in the AAA Class a year later and posted a 19.0 average at the FAI World Cup of Indoor Skydiving.

The Indoor Cloud League's 175-point record total is history now, as the Czech group launched the January 2015 competition with a total of 189 points. It will be a challenging month for the other ICL groups.

March 2014AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie AAARookie AARookie ATotal
1Skydive Arena (CZ)273026324218175
2iFLY Orlando (US)212423302821147
3iFLY Seattle (US)222517222420130
4iFLY SF Bay (US)21(-1)1921181911109
5iFLY Dallas (US)1122(-1)1513221598
6SkyVenture Montreal (CA)2724----51
7SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)-------
AAA Class: HF Chicks with Bad Boys at the World Cup 2014
Yesterday's Sun Path Products NSL News update included new scores from the January meet of the Czech indoor winter season. A day later, the same team that was mentioned for taking the "dominating position" in the Rookie Class is making new headlines.

Flying Circus (Lukas Kaderabek, Martina Vavackova, Dagmar Bezdekova, Hana Weinlichova, Lenka Dvorakova) posted the incredible 58-pointer for the R Class sequence (M-F) and contributed the 27-pointer for the RR Class sequence (M-B-D) as well.

This time, the Flying Circus lineup did not even include any player coaches. Bad Boys Vaclav Prokes and Jan Klapka had guided Flying Circus members to their Rookie Class scores at earlier events.

January 2015AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
1Skydive Arena (CZ)262029292758189
58-pointer in the R Class: Flying Circus
Both scores of the Flying Circus have now put the team over the line for the two lowest categories (R - RR). The RRR Class sequence will be next for Flying Circus in the coming months.

Two more Czech teams broke through the eligibility threshold (25+ points) in January. Best of Relative's 29-pointer was the first time for the team, and they have one more shot at the RRR Class sequence.

The CZ Ladies, Czech national team in 4-way Women, scored the 29-pointer in the A Class and posted 25+ the second time after the 26-pointer in October 2014. The CZ Ladies now have to compete with the Bad Boys and the HF Chicks for a number on the AAA or AA Class leaderboard...

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