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Did You Know...

... that the Czech teams concluded the indoor winter season with record numbers?

Back in the Bad Boys lineup: Jan Lukavec (left)
posted Apr 18th, 2015 - It does not really surprise anybody any longer when the Czech 4-way teams at the Hurricane Factory in Prague take the top position on the Indoor Cloud League leaderboard. It happened once again a few days after the Florida group posted their first April scores from iFLY Orlando.

Only two of the five Czech teams who competed at the World Challenge 2015 (Bad Boys AAA - AA, Flying Circus - RRR) had to contribute their points to take the April lead. Best of Relative (A), Kamikadze (RR) and X-Fly (R) added their scores for the other three categories to the current Czech total of 147 ICL points.

The Bad Boys had their complete lineup together, with Outside Center Jan Lukavec back in his slot after missing the World Challenge 2015, and Florida's AAA/AA lineup could not keep up, despite the Canadian help from Richard and Yannick Bisson.

Indoor Cloud League - April 2015AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie RRRRookie RRRookie RTotal
1Hurricane Factory (CZ)282723232026147
2iFLY Orlando (US)222121(-1)16179106
3SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)12(-1)1722---51
New team record average: PB Fire
Four of the five Czech teams in Bedford came back to the Hurricane Factory just a few days after scoring for the Indoor Cloud League competition. It was time for the last 10-round indoor competition of the Czech winter season at the Hurricane Factory.

Bad Boys and CZ Ladies were lucky to find a Super Sequence in Round 3 (E,N,M,O,P) of the 10-round competition draw for the AAA Class teams and were both able to post new record scores for a single round, as well as new record meet averages.

PB Fire moved back into the AA Class after a short visit on the A Class leaderboard in Bedford. The AA Class teams had no Super Sequence in the draw, and PB Fire still posted a new team record average. Three other AA Class teams did the same.

April 16th, 2015Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class3,H,117,17,LE,N,M,O,PF,D,8,2013,A,1514,1,619,22,QB,5,C,9G,K,10,J12,16,4TotalAvg
1Bad Boys1724391917171724191721021.0
2CZ Ladies1418321614131221141316716.7
RankAA ClassE,4,11O,N,815,20A,18,B1,Q,G7,M,HD,F,C,6K,22,J9,1319,L,14TotalAvg
1PB Fire1415111416242016151315815.8
4Best of Relative1315101313211811101213613.6
RankA Class4,Q21,KM,19P,L,G2,8H,B,DC,A,FJ,96,7O,N,ETotalAvg
1Flying Circus1426224623272725232325625.6
3Mimozemky 812102517131618121114214.2
5X Fly938281681618131213113.1
Jan Klapka with Flying Circus members in Bedford
Flying Circus, winner of the Rookie Class competition at the World Challenge 2015, concluded the team's indoor winter season with another record average on home turf. The 46-pointer in Round 4 is once again a new team record for a single round after the 45-pointer in Bedford.

Flying Circus also contributed the 23 points for the more challenging RRR Class sequence (C,D,L) to the Hurricane Factory's Indoor Cloud League account in April.

Rookie Class team Kamikadze, with Jan and Jirina Klapka's son Jakub Klapka and daughter Klara Sotonova in the lineup, improved their best indoor meet average from 18.7 to 21.4 after adding 20 points for the RR Class sequence (M,J,N) to the ICL account a few days earlier. AAA Class team HF Chicks took some time off after the World Challenge.

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