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Did You Know...

... that Florida added 24 points to iFLY Orlando's Indoor Cloud League account?

iFLY Orlando's Indoor Cloud League group last Thursday
posted Apr 25th, 2015 - Florida's Indoor Cloud League team came back together at iFLY Orlando last Thursday to work on the six sequences for the month of April. Result of the ICL night was the addition of 24 points to the iFLY Orlando account.

Four different lineups took on the six sequences and had once again an internal competition, as well. Three of the lineups actually performed the same three sequences (AA - A - RRR) that night, and there was a good race in those categories for the internal upper hand.

DeLand Momentum was back after performing at the previous ICL night at iFLY Orlando and the team's first outdoor competition on April 11th. Momentum outscored the other FSL lineup by one point during the warm-up sessions for their AAA and AA sequences. However, the DeLand AAA Class team was neither eligible for the A Class nor for the RRR Class sequences.

23 April 2015AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Hal Spence, James Hall, Andrea Geering, Mariuschka Lovera17173121--86
Jim Prochaska, Jairo Garcia, Kurt Gaebel, Sebastian Jimenez-17(-1)3026(-2)--73
Alison Bawden, Leslie Eggenberger, Rebecca Kristof, Jimmy Xu-121517--44
Adam Money, Sebastian Jimenez, Michael Rendon, Michael Pattersson--13(-1)9142359
More indoor training: DeLand Momentum
Two DeLand Flashpoint members (Jim Prochaska, Jairo Garcia) attended the ICL event last Thursday, even though the complete lineup was not available.

Kurt Gaebel and Sebastian Jimenez filled the open slots, and this lineup's 30-pointer made it to the ICL leaderboard for April.

In fact, the 30-pointer in the A Class even outscored the Czech score in this category, which is currently 23 points.

The month is not over, and the Czech teams may still come back with a higher score for the A Class sequence.

No other Florida lineup could beat any of the Czech scores, even though last Thursday's group at iFLY Orlando added a total of 24 points to their own April account.

April 2015AAA ClassAA ClassA ClassRookie RRRRookie RRRookie RTotal
1Hurricane Factory (CZ)282723232026147
2iFLY Orlando (US)222130171723130
3SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)12(-1)1722---51
First 3- and 4-point sequences: Michael Rendon (right)
Alison Bawden, Leslie Eggenberger, Rebecca Kristof and Jimmy Xu added another point for the challenging RRR Class sequence. Rebecca Kristof joined the ICL group in addition to her own training agenda with Z-Hills team TranZend.

The two other teams performed the same sequence, as well, and the substituted Flashpoint lineup's 26-pointer was also high enough to outscore the 23-pointer posted by the Czech Flying Circus.

However, DeLand Flashpoint is a AA Class team this year and not eligible for any Rookie Class sequences.

The biggest contribution came from the Rookie Class lineup this time. Player coach Sebastian Jimenez guided Adam Money, Michael Rendon and Michael Pattersson to the 23-pointer for the R Class sequence and improved the previously posted 9-pointer by 14 points.

New ICL competitor Michael Rendon performed his first 3-point sequences and even took on the 4-point sequence for the A Class.

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