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Did You Know...

... that the Clash of Champions has a "sand-bagging rule" for the AA and A Class competition?

Chatterchicks: Not AA Class eligible?
posted Jun 16th, 2015 - The Sun Path Products NSL News reported on May 11th that AA and A Class teams can win serious cash at the Clash of Champions at the end of the year in Dubai:

"The prize money for the AA and A Class teams is also something that has not been seen yet in the history of the sport.

The three best AA Class teams receive a total of $20,000 ($10,000 - $7,000 - $3,000) while the A Class teams share a total of $13,000 ($7,000 - $4,000 - $2,000) for the three winners."

The host, Inflight Dubai, has followed up with the rules for the competition in the meantime, which include the qualification and eligibility for the different categories in Formation Skydiving competition.

It will be the first time in history that AA and A Class teams compete for significant amounts of cash prizes, which could easily change the natural process of registration for the traditional competition categories.

World Challenge 2015Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAA Class6,H,122,9P,D,E,K18,Q,13J,G,21O,A,N,1514,11B,8,2C,7,204,19TotalAvg
2Dubai Asaar RedAE1614221417181317161516216.2
3Blue RebelsGR1517211418191214171215915.9
Flyspot Chicks: Not A Class eligible?
Some skydiving federations have eligibility rules for categories that do not apply the complete dive pool of the AAA/Open Class.

USPA has restrictions for AAA/Advanced Class teams and for the AA/Intermediate Class, as well. FAI/IPC apply only the AAA/Open Class category.

There has been no need in the past to police the registration beyond the existing eligibility rules, as medals, bragging rights, discounts and possibly a few hunderd dollars here and there would be the only rewards for winning or medaling in the lower categories but the AAA/Open Class.

The Clash of Champions changes this situation, as much as money in general brings changes to all ways of life.

World Challenge 2015Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankA ClassO,L,Q4,21P,F,HK,J,EN,M,BC,219,AG,D,68,97,8TotalAvg
1Flyspot ChicksPL2512352531161515141520320.3
2PB FIRECZ2314292430121316141318818.8
3Team RudiBE2213272717131415141517717.7
Formation Skydiving Coordinator and Chief Judge Pete Allum (left)
The host is aware of the potential for "sand-bagging", and one of the most experienced Formation Skydiving competitors in the history of the sport will have his eyes on the team registration and the lineups.

Pete Allum is the Formation Skydiving Coordinator and Chief Judge in Dubai, and he will feed the official Meet Director, Iain Scott "Freddy" Macdonald, with all team information that he has available.

Chances are little that any potential medal and cash contender might find a crack to slip through into a more promising lower category.

The Meet Director has the final word whether to accept the registration in any of the lower categories or not.

Tahma from Finland: Not A Class eligible?
There is an official "sand-bagging" rule that has been added to the usual set of definitions:

"If your team (as an entirety) has previously won AA or A in a previous national skydiving championship or major tunnel competition, you can no longer compete in that category. The meet director reserves the right to deny entry into AA or A category. Please contact the FS coordinator if you are unsure of your eligibility to enter a particular category."

The winning average at a previous championship or major event is probably a factor, too, as this could be very different from country to country, or event to event. However, Formation Skydiving Coordinator Pete Allum is available for advice by e-mail and will consider all circumstances.

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