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Did You Know...

... that Round 9 will feature two battles for a slot in the finals?

In the semifinals: Sky4Four from Poland
posted Sep 10th, 2015 - The three rounds of 4-way competition have been completed at the FAI World Cup 2015, and the 8-way teams are getting ready for their turn on Thursday afternoon.

The qualified teams for the 4-way semifinals and finals have been announced officially, and there will be a total of 13 teams who will add Round 9 to their meet experience. The Top 10 teams after Round 8 on the World Cup leaderboard include the three teams from Russia (Black Cat, XO Team, Barguzin) and the two teams from France (VR4 France, Artemis Saumur), as up to four teams can officially compete for each nation.

Three more teams have made their way into the semifinals of the European Championships, where only the national teams can qualify for semifinals and finals. Netherlands (M4trix), Denmark (VAF Warriors) and Poland (Sky 4 Four) will have their national teams in the semifinals, as well.

FAI World Cup 2015Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
Rank4-way Open Class1,4,DE,3,L,GC,16,N,913,J,11Q,2,A,14K,7,8P,18,2115,12,FB,22,O,1020,5,MTotalAvg
1NMP-PCH HayabusaBE2232322423242422--20325.4
2Black CatRU2126271823242119--17922.4
3VR4 FranceFR2026251923202218--17321.6
4Artemis Saumur EspoirFR1823211821211917--15819.8
6Final FireAT1519211517191616--13817.3

8XO TeamRU1720121417171613--12615.8
9AtomiX YUU-SkydiveDE1317171316161715--12415.5
3-point deficit: Barguzin from Russia
Only six teams will make it to the finals after that, and there will be a serious battle for the Round 10 slots on both leaderboards.

Final Fire from Austria is currently in 6th place after Round 8. However, there is only a 3-point difference between Final Fire and Russia's second team Barguzin. Three points seem to be a comfortable cushion for a sequence with two slow blocks (B,22,O,10) in Round 9.

However, the scores between Final Fire and Barguzin are showing that a 3-point difference in one round has not been unusual in this duel. Both teams had several rounds where they outscored each other by two points or more. There is no doubt that Barguzin, with former Barkli members Sergey Shenin and Vladimir Pavlenko, will try everything possible in Round 9.

European Championship 2015Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class1,4,DE,3,L,GC,16,N,913,J,11Q,2,A,14K,7,8P,18,2115,12,FB,22,O,1020,5,MTotalAvg
1NMP-PCH HayabusaBE2232322423242422--20325.4
2Black CatRU2126271823242119--17922.4
3VR4 FranceFR2026251923202218--17321.6
5Final FireAT1519211517191616--13817.3
6AtomiX YUU-SkydiveDE1317171316161715--12415.5

9VAF WarriorsDK1619131517141311--11814.8
10Sky 4 FourPL12913111211119--8811.0
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Momentum after four last rounds: AtomiX YUU from Germany
The situation is still even closer on the European leaderboard, even though it has been reduced to a duel between AtomiX YUU from Germany and Ex3mo from Italy. Either team will have the honor to join the best six teams on the World Cup leaderboard for the last slot in the finals and Round 10.

Ex3mo and AtomiX YUU both started on the bottom of the contenders for the semifinals/finals and eventually left VAF Warriors (Denmark) and M4trix (Netherlands) behind. However, there is only a 1-point difference between the national teams from Italy and Germany after Round 8.

The scores between the two contenders for the slot in the finals are showing that the momentum is on the German side after winning the last four rounds. Dutch team M4trix only has a chance if Ex3mo and AtomiX are both melting down in Round 9...

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