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Did You Know...

... that the DeLand Bees had to pull out after Round 1?

Awards at the Northwest Skydiving League
posted Sep 23rd, 2015 - Last weekend's leaderboard was supposed to be larger, as the Northwest Skydiving League had scheduled the last meet of the 2015 season for the same date as the Florida Skydiving League's September meet. NWSL Director Deb Correia had bad luck with the weather at the end of the 2015 season: "The NWSL was weathered out all weekend with low clouds on Saturday and winds in the 30s on Sunday."

She still used the opportunity to reward some of the NWSL teams with medals and prizes on Sunday morning. The 2015 winners in each category received 10-minute flight certificates from iFLY Seattle, and Sun Path Products added four mini-rig backpacks in a random drawing for all participants who competed in the Northwest Skydiving League this year.

Deb Correia also reported that the JOES had another change in the lineup. Thomas Gull has taken Charles Wesley's point slot, and he flew up for the meet weekend that was eventually weathered out. However, the JOES used the time wisely and trained indoor at iFLY Seattle

September 19th, 2015Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9TotalAvg
RankAAA ClassB,18,219,13,A22,J,C,5Q,F,7,110,16,8P,14,H,K4,N,119,L,O,2112,E,G,15TotalAvg
1DeLand MomentumUS721012812---518.5
RankAA ClassB,18,219,1322,J,CQ,F,7A,1,8P,14,H4,N,119,L,OE,G,15TotalAvg
1Zhills TranZendUS96915710---569.3
2Purple HaZeUS8661046---406.7
RankA ClassB,219,OJ,C,KQ,F,7A,8P,H,214,N9,LE,G,MTotalAvg
1Bald + BeautifulUS789969---488.0
1GONO TeamCO345145436353.9
2DeLand BeesUS1--------11.0
DeLand Bees in November 2012
The weather in Florida was not much better on Saturday. However, Sunday offered perfect conditions, and all teams were able to complete all scheduled six rounds - with two exceptions. Rookie Class team GONO from Colombia continued with the drawn jumps and completed nine rounds, while the DeLand Bees had to stop after the first round.

The Rookie Class team from southern Georgia had joined the Florida Skydiving League with the same lineup (Kerry Bentley, Debi Brock, Keith Brock, Dennis Brooks, Bill Knowles on camera) in November 2012 and attended three FSL meets in 2013. They came from recreational skydiving and big-way participation and decided to learn more and improve their skills with 4-way training and competition.

The Bees then had to go on a hold for the entire 2014 season when Point Debi Brock had to undergo surgery for her dislocated shoulder.

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Comeback in May 2015: DeLand Bees
The Bees were happily back this year, with Debi Brock and the same lineup and a significantly improved scoring level, including the first 10-pointer in Round 1 of the June meet. Very bad luck struck the Bees in Round 1 last weekend when Debi Brock re-injured her shoulder during the exit from the Skyvan.

She was able to open the parachute, as it was the left shoulder that caused the trouble. She also managed to land without any further damage; however, the dislocated shoulder will keep her on the ground once again for a while. The Florida Skydiving League will miss the committed team and the very friendly company of the team members.

DeLand Momentum and Z-Hills TranZend used the meet as another opportunity to check their status on the way to the USPA Nationals 2015, while Bald + Beautiful attended the team's fourth meet this year. DeLand Flashpoint member Jim Prochaska substituted as Inside Center slot last weekend.

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