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Did You Know...

... that Dallas Super Cup and Indoor Cloud League connected at iFLY Dallas?

Dallas Super Cup 2015 teams and competitors
posted Oct 2nd, 2015 - The Sun Path Products NSL News posted the results of this year's Dallas Super Cup with the story on September 21st, which focused mostly on the AAA Class competition between Dallas 350 and Spaceland Lite.

The recent Indoor Cloud League update with new scores and videos from iFLY Dallas connects the competition in the other two Super Cup categories (AA - A) with the indoor event, as Amanda Lampton reported from Texas.

Team Quad (Amanda Lampton, Dave Eisele, Roland Hicks, Paul McEnany) won the AA Class competition at the Super Cup after a good battle with Dallas HOT and then posted the 20-pointer for the Indoor Cloud League A Class sequence last month at iFLY Dallas.

Dallas Super Cup 2015Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6TotalAvg
RankAA Class14,134,815,18C,2,2221,20F,K,O,11TotalAvg
2Dallas HOT68710811508.3
34 Shades of Gray466779396.5
4Dallas Super Crap544558315.2
6Shitz & Gigglez044467254.2
RankA ClassL,D,G4,8P,19C,221,QF,K,OTotalAvg
1Crackers and Beans6246512355.8
2Snakes on a Plane436568325.3
4No Control00122381.3
31-pointer in the RR Class: Crackers and Beans
Dallas HOT also joined September's ICL event at iFLY Dallas after the 2nd place behind Quad at the Dallas Super Cup. Karen Bilder, Mandy Winters, Genifer Oliver and Amanda Lampton, who filled the Outside Center slot for Rita Sandt, posted the 13-pointer for iFLY Dallas in the AA Class.

Dallas Super Crap had finished in 4th place at the Super Cup and came to the Indoor Cloud League event with the complete lineup (Emily Lookadoo, Caleb Rydbeck, Lacey Porter, Tom Lark). Dallas 350 member Scott Levy helped the team at the indoor event.

Crackers and Beans won the A Class competition at the Dallas Super Cup and posted the 31-pointer for iFLY Dallas in the RR Class, which is currently the ICL September highscore. Team members Donaldo Grajeda and Michael Erickson added the RRR Class 16-pointer later in the month, together with Amy Hunter and coach Lucas King.

September 2015AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
1Hurricane Factory (CZ)2421(-1)26(-1)1219(-3)15118
2iFLY Dallas (US)151320163117112
2iFLY Orlando (US)141625(-2)162912112
4iFLY SF Bay (US)12(-1)15(-1)2117161697
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17-pointer for iFLY Dallas in the R Class
Scott Levy was also working with Alison Sahl, Brett Bradley, Dave Prusock and Rachel Ferguson, who all had attended the Dallas Super Cup. Amanda Lampton said that most of her other previous and new Indoor Cloud League participants (Roch Tofil, Scott Kucel, Dave DuMais, Beth Victor, Kyle Hermberg, Gary Haass) competed with different teams at the Super Cup.

Last and not least, Dallas 350 member Lucas King was working with a team of freefliers (Chantel Cleghorn, Mandy Henry, Ben Ford, Tyler Barton) at the ICL event, who had to work during the Super Cup. He also guided iFLY Dallas' R Class lineup (Chantel Cleghorn, Mandy Henry, Ben Ford, Tyler Barton) to the 17-pointer highscore in this category.

The ICL coaches at iFLY Dallas (Amanda Lampton, Dave Hickey, Lucas King, Karen Bilder) finally added the 15-pointer for the AAA Class sequence. Dallas HOT with Karen Bilder is now getting ready to join the Texas delegation at the USPA Nationals 2015...

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