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Round 10 and Block 2 Hayabusa drama at the Mondial 2012
posted Nov 27th, 2015 - The historic 4-way competition at the Clash of Champions offers everything that could have been hoped for.

The showdown for the 4-way top spot in the world between Arizona Airspeed and NMP-PCH Hayabusa is bringing a new situation almost round by round.

The Belgian 4-way world champions have the upper hand after eight rounds; however, the last two rounds on Saturday could easily turn the table once again. Both teams and the audience will have to be ready for the possibility of a jump-off.

The competition on the top of the leaderboard has turned into a 2-team battle, as Weembi Lille was eventually shaken off by the two well-trained top teams in the fast Round 7. Dennis Praet and Hayabusa showed clearly that Block 2 is not an obstacle on the way to the top spot any longer, as it was at the Mondial 2012.

The 41-pointer highscore in Round 7 was too much for Weembi Lille, and Airspeed lost two more points, as well. New Hayabusa tail Jeroen "Bob" Nollet is showing the world that he has filled the Hayabusa tail slot more than successfully.

Clash of Champions 2015Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA ClassJ,13,8K,20,59,21,19C,3,67,O,15A,18,12,H,P,D16,L,11E,N,10,B12,Q,F,22TotalAvg
1NMP-PCH HayabusaBE2632302833294128--24730.9
2Arizona AirspeedUS2830293034273928--24530.6
3Weembi LilleFR2728302933273528--23729.6
4Golden KnightsUS2429282730273325--22327.9
5Thunder ISRBE2223272731273425--21627.0
5Qatar TigersQA2425282728253326--21627.0
8Black CatRU2226272629263326--21526.9
9FLY-IN WomenFR2326282528243524--21326.6
10FLY-IN OpenFR2027272631223321--20725.9
5th place after Round 8: Thunder ISR
The incredible battle for a Top 10 spot on the leaderboard has changed, as well. Thunder ISR was in the unfortunate 11th place at the end of the first meet day and has moved up to the 5th place with a 27.0 average. However, five teams are still separated by only three points, and it will require two more good rounds for Thunder ISR to defend the current position.

FLY-IN, the French Girls with their new lineup, have closed in dramatically on the Golden Knights after a 42-point difference at the 1st FAI World Indoor Skydiving Championships.

It's a 10-point difference after Round 8 in Dubai, and the French national team in 4-way Women outscored the Golden Knights for the first time in Round 7. It is also the first time that the French FLY-IN Girls are ahead of their former team mate Laurence Herve, who is now competing in the French Open Class lineup.

The Golden Knights are closer to the best 4-way Open Class teams in the world than ever before, however, they still have to keep their eyes on the reigning world champions from France.

Eyes on the Golden Knights: French FLY-IN Girls
The AA Class competition for the medals and cash rankings is just as exciting as the battle in the AAA Class. The HF Chicks allowed the three nearest opponents to get within striking distance after a disastrous Round 6.

At the same time, Flyspot Chicks, Dubai Asaar Ladies and Aerokart Ak'demie kept pushing each other to their peak performance level and are in the middle of a 1-point battle for the 2nd place. There are four AA Class teams and only three sets of medals.

It is also a very interesting aspect that the four best AA Class teams are three all-female lineups and the junior team from France.

The new NSL-TV video clip is featuring the best 4-way competitors in the world from an angle that only indoor competition allows. The camera exposes the battle faces up close and personal. The video cannot replace the eyes' 3-dimensional view of the battle faces and the body language. However, it offers the best impression that the non-present audience can get via camera.

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