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Did You Know...

... that iFLY Orlando posted the first Indoor Cloud League scores for December?

Florida's ICL team on Thursday at iFLY Orlando
posted Dec 4th, 2015 - The Indoor Cloud League leaderboard for November is still not complete, while Florida's group of ICL competitors tested the new sequences for the month of December on Thursday evening at iFLY Orlando.

Five lineups posted the first scores for the new month, and two of them were identical with the November lineups. iFLY Orlando's ICL team is still in 1st place by one single point on last month’s leaderboard. Bob Byrne, Sebastian Jimenez, James Hall and Kurt Gaebel posted the AAA and AA November sequences and came back together for the new sequences in the same categories.

Amer Kassas and Bob Palatka were back in the same lineup with Sebastian Jimenez and Bob Byrne, as they were earlier last month. They were in a tight internal FSL competition for the same three sequences (A - RRR - AA) with two other ICL lineups on Thursday night.

iFLY Orlando - 3 December 2015AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Kurt Gaebel, Bob Byrne, Sebastian Jimenez, James Hall1614----
Jim Prochaska, Jimmy Xu, Alix Raymond, Randy Cutlip-101930(-2)21-
Bob Byrne, Amer Kassas, Bob Palatka, Sebastian Jimenez--151623-
Michael Rendon, Nick Davis, Cathy Luo, Alix Raymond--161627-
Kurt Gaebel, Kanishka Lee Perera, James Hall, Jean Reilly-----15
iFLY Orlando's Best of December16141930(-2)27-106
Alix Raymond with her second lineup
Two DeLand Flashpoint members (Jim Prochaska, Alix Raymond) won this internal 3-team battle together with DeLand 3D's Jimmy Xu and Randy Cutlip, who competed with DeLand's Rexcel 8-way lineup at the USPA Nationals this year.

DeLand Flashpoint is facing a personnel change after their own first national championships in Eloy, as Jairo Garcia is not available any longer, and coach/videographer Gilles Dutrisac has new plans for next year. The Thursday night combination at iFLY Orlando won the internal competition and posted the scores for the A and RRR sequences.

Alix Raymond also filled an open slot for the third lineup that took on the same three sequences. Michael Rendon, Nick Davis and Cathy Luo completed this lineup and outscored Alix Raymond's other team with the 27-pointer for the RR sequence.

December 2015AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
1iFLY Orlando (US)1614193027-106
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New ICL Rookie Class competitors at iFLY Orlando
The outdoor competition season in Florida is almost over, and FSL/ICL competitors are currently very active in putting together the teams for the 2016 season. The Indoor Cloud League activities at iFLY Orlando have been very helpful in bringing interested 4-way teams and competitors together on a regular basis.

Three 4-way teams from Florida (ZHills TranZend, DeLand Momentum, DeLand Flashpoint), one 8-way team (Rexcel) and several other individual competitors attended the USPA Nationals this year, and new plans for next year's trip to Eloy are in the works.

The re-scheduled NSL Championship (December 19 weekend) finishes off the year in Florida, while recruiting and preparations for the new competition season are in full swing.

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