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Did You Know...

... that Andy Grauwels' NSL Profile follows a day later?

Andy Grauwels
posted Dec 25th, 2015 - It would not be fair to hold back Andy Grauwels' NSL Profile for more than a day after publishing his brother David's career story first. Naturally, they have so much in common, and every story about Hayabusa would be almost identical on both NSL Profile pages.

As Andy and David Grauwels' skydiving career story is mostly related to Hayabusa, the big question is what the main differences between the two brothers and their experiences and perspectives actually are.

There is more to it than different ages and different slots in the Hayabusa linups. The new NSL Profile of Andy Grauwels provides the basic information, and the Sun Path Products NSL News will point out a few special events.

Live judging of Round 10 at the Mondial Dubai 2012
One event sticks out the most, as it includes two major parts of all NSL Profiles: "Favorite Competition" and "Best Kept Secret". And it is not the FAI World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2014 where Andy and David Grauwels made it to the top of the 4-way world and won their first FAI gold medals in Prostejov...

The World Meet in Prostejov 2014 created his "Funniest Moment in Skydiving", even though he also remembers the "Russian Vodka Experience" at the Malevsky Cup 2005 very well.

The Mondial Dubai 2012 was not only the most exciting event for Andy Grauwels. The whole skydiving world could feel the drama of Round 10, where NMP PCH Hayabusa lost by a single point due to a penalty in the very last second of Round 10. The Sun Path Products NSL News was live on site and tried its best to bring the drama across the world to the online audience.

Mondial Dubai 2012Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class5,12,E6,D,B,KO,8,7N,13,1810,21,M19,H,11C,G,1,A20,9,1516,F,P,Q2,J,4TotalAvg
1Arizona Airspeed (US)2734272223233225402627927.9
2NMP-PCH Hayabusa (BE)2534272123243227402527827.8
Health issue two months before the world meet
Few people know how much more drama there actually was when NMP PCH Hayabusa arrived in Dubai to compete for the 4-way gold medals. Andy Grauwels never talked much about it, as he did not look for any excuses for his team's performance and the 1-point drama.

Fact is that he had gone through an extremely challenging health issue in the months leading to the Mondial Dubai 2012 and the showdown with Arizona Airspeed.

He provided more details of the whole story when he agreed to the posting of his NSL Profile:

"Two months before the World Championships in Dubai, we were in a training camp in Empuria, on the right track and in very good shape towards the competition. But halfway through the camp I started to have fevers at night, which passed in the mornings.

So during the day I could still do our jumps, but by the time I got back home I would lay in bed with 39 degrees."

World Meet 2014Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA ClassE,3,C,5F,6,D,2119,H,2M,4,1O,14,A,P8,J,167,11,1222,20,1517,G,1813,B,9TotalAvg
1NMP-PCH Hayabusa (BE)3229252533252218262926426.4
2Arizona Airspeed (US)3127252431232217242925325.3

Happy golden end at the World Meet 2014
image by: Vania da Rui
"That week I visited almost every day at the hospital for a checkup, but they could not figure it out. My body was getting so tired from the jumps at that camp and the fevers at night - so it finally blocked. I had to stay almost a month in hospitals in Spain and Belgium. My biggest fear was that I would not be able to jump at the World Championships, or for that matter maybe never again."

"Everything was so unclear, one day I would make 16 jumps, and the next day I didn't have the power to get myself out of my hospital bed. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and had surgery shortly after the World Championship. So far, everything is under control and I hope to keep skydiving for many years to come."

Hayabusa kept the health issue for themselves and did the best the team could do at this point in time. Airspeed won the gold medals in 2012, and the Belgians tried again two years later. Andy and David Grauwels turned silver into gold, together with Roy Janssen, Dennis Praet and Danny Jacobs on camera, and the Grauwels brothers are ready to defend the gold medals in 2016...

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