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Did You Know...

... that Dallas 350 was the first team to match Defiance/Shmeland highscores?

19-point victory: Cocked Nut
posted Jan 21st, 2016 - The Sun Path Products NSL News had added the meet story on January 17th to the scores of SkyVenture New Hampshire's annual indoor competition. The new videos are now showing the three top teams of the AAA Class competition in action.

The story mentioned that Arizona Airspeed's 4-way world champion of 2012, Josh Hall, was filling the open slot for Dallas 350, as Jim Rees was in the judging room all day long. His 2012 team mate Niklas Hemlin, who has been back in Airpeed's lineup since 2015, competed with Fallout who finished right behind Dallas 350.

Niklas Hemlin could obviously not convince Josh Hall to come back too and fill the open slot for Chris Farina. Mikhail Markine is now in the point slot that Josh Hall had between 2011 and 2012.

New Hampshire Indoor 2016
RankAAA ClassB,P,14,10J,G,E,3N,15,H,KD,9,7L,6,5A,16,Q,2022,O,1118,M,21C,17,H,N6,F,B,9TotalAvg
1Cocked NutUS2024242822171620313123323.3
3Dallas 350US1822242222151614252820620.6
Three highscores: Shmeland
The videos are showing how the AAA Class teams are squeezing 17 of the 22 AAA Class blocks into SkyVenture New Hampshire's 12-foot flying chamber.

The Indoor Cloud League teams in the AAA Class apply only 12 blocks (3,5,6,7,9,11,14,15,16,17,18,21) that can be mastered reasonably well by more experienced indoor flyers.

Meet director Ben Liston and his AAA Class friends of the first indoor meets at SkyVenture New Hampshire decided to challenge themselves and each other with additional AAA Class blocks.

Some of them require specific indoor techniques to avoid too much contact with the chamber walls

The AA Class teams had ten blocks on their 10-round agenda, and two sequences had only random formations.

Not only the two long-term rivals of Ben Liston's different Mass Defiance and James "Bu" Klinge's Shmeland lineups claimed all ten highscores this year. Dallas 350 with Josh Hall managed to tie the top scores in two of the ten rounds.

It was in fact the first time in the history of the event that any other team was able to match the Defiance and Shmeland

highscores for a round, and Dallas 350 was actually closer to Shmeland (206 - 214) than the difference was between the winner and the team in 2nd place.

Dallas 350 is used to a 14-foot flying chamber at iFLY Dallas where the team members are a part of Amanda Lampton's Indoor Cloud League team on a regular basis.They posted the tied highscores for sequences with blocks that are also in the ICL dive pool.

Amanda Lampton competed in New Hampshire, as well. She was with her ICL coaches Scott Levy, Lucas King and Genifer Oliver in the winning AA Class team.

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