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Did You Know...

... that the Indoor Cloud League had record participation in February?

iFLY Portland's Indoor Cloud League team in February
posted Mar 3rd, 2016 - The February competition of the Indoor Cloud League generated new record participation. The leaderboard features scores and videos from ten different teams for the first time.

The Indoor Cloud League began with a regular duel between iFLY Orlando and iFLY Seattle in July 2012. It was a tight battle over five months, and iFLY Orlando eventually won 3 - 2 after the December competition.

Four years later, iFLY Seattle and iFLY Orlando have plenty of competition, including international indoor teams (Czech Republic, Netherlands, Canada), and the Indoor Cloud League still keeps growing. iFLY Seattle even has to watch out for the newest ICL team only a few hours away, iFLY Portland. Sandra van der Bilt has started to organize an Indoor Cloud League team in Oregon's Portland area, and she submitted a full set of videos for the six February sequences.

February 2016AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
1Hurricane Factory (CZ)211825173024135
2iFLY SF Bay (US)18141521(-1)2826122
3iFLY Orlando (US)20172012(-1)2214105
4iFLY Houston (US)1817161419(-1)18102
5iFLY Seattle (US)14132162719100
6SkyVenture Montreal (CA)19192326--87
7iFLY Dallas (US)1616171617-82
8iFLY Portland (US)6915911757
9SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)161316---45
10iFLY Virginia Beach (US)--1717(-2)--34
iFLY Seattle's Indoor Cloud League team in February
Deb Correia in Washington's neighboring Seattle area held her Indoor Cloud League event on February 23rd. She reported a great turnout with returning fliers, who made up four complete teams: "It's great to see the progress being made. Steve Platt took on solo coaching duties for the first time this month, and he obviously did a great job, with his team taking top scores in each of the Rookie Class categories."

The scores could have been even higher without the ICL rule that the same lineups can only post scores in two neighboring categories. iFLY Seattle's RRR Class score went to the team led by Bill Selig to provide the best total for the Seattle team. Deb Correia said that Bill Selig's lineup (Babs Selig, Joshua Middleton, Amira Morghem) included one of her newest fliers, Joshua Middleton, who had only participated a couple of times previously.

Deb Correia herself stepped in to fly with Dave Correia's group after a last-minute cancellation. She said that her team (Monica Aikins, Randy Barbee, Dave Correia) exited every session "breathing hard!" Her team also tried an alternate engineering for the AA Class sequence, where the centers transitioned from the Marquis of Block 21 to the in-facing positions of the first Bipole in Block 14. The AAA Class lineup (Dave Correia, Djordje Mandaric, Steve Platt, Bill Selig) performed the AA Class sequence with the traditional engineering and tied the 13-pointer.

Indoor Cloud League 2016JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
1Hurricane Factory (CZ)138135----------273
2iFLY SF Bay (US)109122----------231
3iFLY Seattle (US)119100----------219
4iFLY Orlando (US)102105----------207
5iFLY Dallas (US)12082----------202
6SkyVenture Montreal (CA)8887----------175
7iFLY Houston (US)20102----------122
8SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)7245----------117
9iFLY Virginia Beach (US)5834----------92
10iFLY Portland (US)-57----------57
New Dallas 350 member: Amanda Lampton with EOS at the USPA Nationals 2015
image by: Omniskore
iFLY Dallas team captain Amanda Lampton is now facing a similar situation in Texas, where iFLY Houston joined the Indoor Cloud League in January and followed up with 102 points in February. She reported a great Tunnel Kicker from iFLY Dallas, even though she was facing some last-
minute organizational challenges.

The result of the unexpected changes had a serious impact on the Indoor Cloud League February leaderboard. iFLY Dallas was in 2nd place after the January competition. Amanda Lampton then did not have a lineup for the R Class sequence at the February event, and iFLY Dallas dropped to 5th place with a February total that did not include a score for this category.

The ICL February event at iFLY Dallas took place shortly after Dallas 350's February training camp. Amanda Lampton has recently taken Jim Rees' 350 slot, which created a very busy indoor schedule for her. However, her new team mate Scott Latinis was able to stay and help as a player coach. Amanda Lampton said that two of her newer flyers, Zach Breaux and Debbie Swenson, performed Block 6 (Stardian - Stardian) for the first time with her guidance: "I was very proud and pleased with both of them. They are doing great."

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