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Did You Know...

... that 12-year young Emma Ellisor scored for iFLY Houston?

Satori XL in DeLand
posted Mar 16th, 2016 - The March leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League continues to grow while the teams in DeLand are using the last days for training before the Shamrock Showdown launches the 2016 outdoor competition season on Friday morning.

Satori XL and Qatar Tigers have joined the French FLY-IN Girls on Wednesday with 4-way training, and the VFS team of the Golden Knights is also in full training action.

The latest Indoor Cloud League scores are coming from iFLY Houston, where Spaceland Lite member Katrina Shows organized her indoor team's first March event and provided the first scores and videos from Texas this month. iFLY Houston starts with a total of 94 points.

iFLY Houston - MarchAAAAAARRRRRRTotal

4 Shades of Grey--19---19
Rick Pops, Ash the Aussie, Lori Mitchell, Sherry Moloch-----12(-1)12
Erika Barczak, Diana Hu, Debbie Hoffpauir, Rick Pops-------
Katrina Shows, Ash the Aussie, Lori Mitchell, Sherry Moloch-------

March - Part 111171915(-1)2012(-1)94

Team name: Block5nofingway
Katrina Shows said that her first March event attracted more participants to iFLY Houston compared to all her previous ICL meets.

She had six different lineups competing with each other for the six spots on the ICL March leaderboard. Four teams eventually got their scores and videos posted, and two teams made it twice on the leaderboard.

She had also two lineups who eventually gave themselves new team names. 4 Shades of Grey have been a team since last year. Don Ellisor, Chad Hall and Randy Morgan had once again Dallas 350 member Scott Latinis in their lineup.

Billy Whitaker, Gary Fox, Laurie and Bo Long competed under Block5nofingway and performed the AAA and AA Class sequences.

Last and not least, the Ellisor family (Don, Cheryl and Emma) called their Rookie Class lineup Tetralogy and had Scott Latinis as their player coach, as well.

1iFLY Orlando (US)18182726(-1)1318120
2iFLY Houston (US)11171915(-1)2012(-1)94
3iFLY Virginia Beach (US)--2121--42
Scott Latinis with Cheryl, Emma and Don Ellisor
The Ellisor family team consists of the parents (Don, Cheryl) with their 12-year young daughter Emma. Katrina Shows said that the Indoor Cloud League meet was Emma's first indoor competition: "She started flying in the tunnel early this year, and as you will see in the video is doing very well."

Her last name is a familiar one in the skydiving community, as her parents Don and Cheryl Ellisor have been around for a while. Katrina Shows pointed out the other first times: "First family competition for ICL at iFLY Houston, first competition the Ellisors have done as a family."

She added that the Ellisor family is very excited about the Indoor Cloud League competition and this event, as it allows special moments for a family.

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