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Did You Know...

... that MWSL team EXtreme was challenged by two junior teams at the IBA indoor meet in Rosemont?

First indoor competition: MWSL team SDC EXtreme
posted May 12th, 2016 - A small 4-way competition was a part of the recent IBA Indoor Competition Series event at iFLY Rosemont in Chicago.

One of the Midwest Skydiving League teams used the indoor competition to get some meet practice before the start of the MWSL 2016 outdoor season. SDC EXtreme came back with three original team members of 2014 and 2015 (Stanley Bukala, Gene Keturakis, Vince Kramolinski) and new EXtremist Andrzej Nycz.

It was the first indoor competition for SDC EXtreme, after six MWSL outdoor meets in the last two years, three in the A Class of 2014 and three in the AA Class of 2015. EXtreme competed again in the AA Class, together with two junior teams from Canada.

IBA Indoor
RankAA Class7,M,2D,11,1921,P,KB,E,A,JA,N,6Q,18,9O,13,1514,F,GH,C,L,7Q,N,C,FTotalAvg
1Tunnel VisionCA14913201312814121913413.4
2SDC eXtremeUS99132211121012112213113.1
Canadian AA Class team Tunnel Vision
It was challenging for SDC EXtreme to keep up with the 4-way indoor experts. Tunnel Vision and AirDevils are both 4-way junior teams, and the youngsters are very familiar with tunnel flying. It is their only playground, as they cannot jump from air planes.

SkyVenture Montreal and iFLY Toronto started early with their training programs for juniors, and both teams had attended indoor meets before they made the trip to Chicago last weekend. Their training began with the A Class dive pool, and they competed at the Canadian Indoor Nationals 2016 in this category.

The iFLY Rosemont competition was the first time in the AA Class for both Canadian junior teams, and they mastered the ten longer sequences with more block techniques just as well as the Midwest Skydiving League team.

Canadian Indoor Nationals
RankA ClassG,M,79,NJ,Q,DF,H,4C,P,EL,K,O6,21A,B,FTotalAvg
1Tunnel Vision212219171818152915919.9
4Air Devils202215151612152313817.3
Original AirDevils in 2015
In fact, it was an exciting race for the top spot between all three teams, who were separated by only four points after ten rounds.

The AirDevils have moved much closer to the Tunnel Vision juniors. Both teams were still separated by 21 points (19.9 - 17.3) after eight rounds at the Canadian Indoor Nationals in March this year.

Two Tunnel Vision members

(Malachi DeAth, Hope Hadfield) were actually in the original lineup of the AirDevils last year. For the start of the second junior lineup they joined forces with Morgan Fenton and Ethan Kinnear, while the new AirDevils have sisters Allegra and Laura Rosic in the lineup. AirDevil Donavan Fenton's brother Morgan competed with the opposing team and won by four points...

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