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Did You Know...

... that Dallas 350 is waiting for Indoor Cloud League 14-foot challengers?

Waiting for challengers: Dallas 350
posted May 16th, 2016 - The Sun Path Products NSL News reported on May 2nd that the recent extension of the Indoor Cloud League dive pool and sequences will allow teams and competitors to test more of their technical skills. Additional sequences for AAA/AA/A Class teams in 14- and 16-foot flying chambers were posted for the first time this month, and the iFLY Dallas team was the first one to take full advantage of the opportunity to get more competition practice.

The complete Dallas 350 lineup (Amanda Lampton, Lucas King, Scott Levy, Scott Latinis) took on the two 14-foot sequences (AAA/AA), which could be drawn for any AAA/Open Class competition of the FAI/IPC dive pool, and started the new leaderboard.

AAA/Open Class teams and lineups now have the opportunity each month to practice combinations of five different blocks if they fly in a 14-foot chamber, as the 12-foot sequences naturally fit into a 14-foot chamber, as well. Dallas 350 chose to fly only the 14-foot sequences and are now waiting for challengers of their first scores.

Indoor Cloud League - May 2016
12-Foot ChamberE,15,Q,5E,6,15E,Q,6E,Q,HM,E,QM,ETotal
1iFLY Orlando (US)1617242623-106
2iFLY Dallas (US)---2626(-1)3082
3SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)141617---47
14-Foot ChamberE,4,Q,5E,2,4E,Q,4E,Q,HM,E,QM,ETotal
1iFLY Dallas (US)2318182626(-1)30141
16-Foot ChamberE,4,Q,5E,2,4E,Q,4E,Q,HM,E,QM,ETotal
iFLY Orlando team on May 7th
Dallas 350 member Scott Levy also guided iFLY Dallas' A Class lineup through the according sequence for the 14-foot chamber. His team mates in this lineup (Dave Eisele, Genifer Oliver, Kyle Hermberg) were also flying as assistant player coaches in the other three Rookie Class categories (RRR - RR - R).

The Rookie Class sequences are the same for all tunnel sizes, and the iFLY Dallas rookies posted highscores in all three categories. Karen Bilder's lineup (Mary Ellen Weber, Jerry Elkind, Jay Rapp) tied the 26-pointer that iFLY Orlando has for the RRR Class sequence. Amy Haass had Scott Kucel, Bill Schmitt and Gordon Sellers in her RR Class lineup for the other 26-pointer that outscored iFLY Orlando by three points.

The same two player coaches (Karen Bilder, Amy Haass) topped of the Rookie Class success for iFLY Dallas with the highest score of the night, posted together with assistant coach Genifer Oliver and Jennifer Betzer in the lineup. Jennifer Betzer has primarily focused on freeflying since she started jumping, and she joined the iFLY Dallas team to work on her belly skills, said Amanda Lampton.

James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Leslie Energizer, Kurt Gaebel-141919---
Nick Davis, Brad Weinberg, Cathy Luo, Kurt Gaebel-121617---

May 7th-141919---

Kurt Gaebel, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Bob Byrne16-----16
Kurt Gaebel, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Jimmy Xu-1724---41
Lee Perera, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Jimmy Xu---2623-49

May 12th1617242623-106

iFLY Orlando's Best of May1617242623-106
Guest competitor: Z-Hills PreciZion member Jimmy Xu
Almost at the same time, the iFLY Orlando team generated additional scores for the May leaderboard. The first three videos of May sequences from iFLY Orlando were posted after a 4-way camp on July 7th. Five days later, a different group repeated the three sequences (AA - A - RRR) and added two more (AAA - RR) numbers to the iFLY Orlando account.

In fact, none of the earlier scores for iFLY Orlando survived when the small group came back five days after the first event. Z-Hills PreciZion member Jimmy Xu joined forces for a night with some of his future opponents and helped to improve the AA and A Class scores. Lee Perera, posted his last RR Class score and has to move up into the RRR Class after the 26-pointer last week.

iFLY Orlando is still far behind iFLY Dallas at the moment. However, there is still a score missing for the R Class sequence. The next group goes back to iFLY Orlando this Thursday and will add the missing number...

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