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Did You Know...

... that Nick Davis mastered his first AAA Class slot-switchers at iFLY Orlando last Thursday?

Last ICL May event at iFLY Orlando
posted May 28th, 2016 - Teams and competitors of the Florida Skydiving League have been a part of the Indoor Cloud League from the very beginning, when Deb Correia organized a Northwest Skydiving League group at iFLY Seattle to challenge the FSL team at iFLY Orlando.

This original duel turned into the current format of the Indoor Cloud League with different monthly sequences and leaderboards, recruiting activities and indoor training camps.

Florida's 4-way training and competition program at iFLY Orlando, the FSL Tunnel Kicker, has generated several new 4-way competitors and continues to do so year after year. The activities have consistently increased, and the month of May 2016 was the peak of the progression so far. Different groups of ICL competitors came to iFLY Orlando four times this month to finish with a total of 132 points.

James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, .Leslie Energizer, Kurt Gaebel-141919---
Nick Davis, Brad Weinberg, Cathy Luo, Kurt Gaebel-121617---

May 7th-141919---

Kurt Gaebel, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Bob Byrne16-----16
Kurt Gaebel, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Jimmy Xu-1724---24
Lee Perera, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Jimmy Xu---2623-23

May 12th1617242623-63

Kurt Gaebel, Hal Spence, Sebastian Jimenez, Bob Byrne1617-----
Kurt Gaebel, Hal Spence, Sebastian Jimenez, Jimmy Xu-1923---19
Cathy Luo, Leslie Ennergizer, Nick Davis, Kurt Gaebel--1730(-2)--30
Lee Perera, Amer Kassas, Sebastian Jimenez, Bob Byrne--1415---
Lee Perera, Amer Kassas, Hal Spence, Bob Byrne----1819(-1)-

May 19th16192330(-2)1819(-1)49

Kurt Gaebel, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez, Nick Davis1517-----
Cathy Luo, Leslie Ennergizer, James Hall, Sebastian Jimenez-1419----
Suzanne Hoechst, Anne Cooney, Lee Perera, Kurt Gaebel---16152020

May 26th15171916152020

iFLY Orlando's Best of May16192430(-2)2320132
First AAA Class slot-switcher: Nick Davis and his lineup
The last FSL Tunnel Kicker of the month on Thursday added only one single point to iFLY Orlando's May total, as the R Class lineup (Suzanne Hoechst, Anne Cooney, Lee Perera, Kurt Gaebel) posted the highest score for this category with a 20-pointer and beat the previous 19-pointer.

However, the same event introduced one of the participants for the first time to the AAA Class dive pool and its challenges with the slot-switching sequences. Nick Davis had only competed in the Rookie Class at Florida Skydiving League events in the past with the DeLand Falcons.

Later he learned some of the A Class blocks at iFLY Orlando's Indoor Cloud League events before jumping into the cold AAA Class waters last Thursday.

Indoor Cloud League - May 2016
12-Foot ChamberE,15,Q,5E,6,15E,Q,6E,Q,HM,E,QM,ETotal
1iFLY Orlando (US)16192430(-2)2320132
2iFLY Dallas (US)---2626(-1)3082
3iFLY Houston (US)---25141655
4SkyVenture New Hampshire (US)141617---47
5Flyspot (PO)--24---24
14- and 16-Foot ChamberE,4,Q,5E,2,4E,Q,4E,Q,HM,E,QM,ETotal
1iFLY Dallas (US)2318182626(-1)30141
2iFLY Houston (US)10131925141697
Nick Davis with the DeLand Falcons in October 2015
The AAA Class lineup with Nick Davis ended up only one point behind the previous scores for the same sequence, which were performed by more experienced lineups, and the 17-pointer for the AA Class sequence was very competitive, as well.

Cathy Luo and Leslie Ennergizer have also made the transition from the A Class dive pool to the additional blocks in the AA Class. James Hall and Sebastian Jimenez were in both lineups who mastered the AAA and AA Class sequences.

iFLY Orlando's ICL team on May 12th contributed three scores to the May total, two highscores were added on May 19th, and the 6th and last one completed the iFLY Orlando total of 132 points last Thursday. The other ICL teams still have a few more days to follow up...

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