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Did You Know...

... that father Jan and son Jakub Klapka competed together for the first time last weekend?

First Czech outdoor competition of 2016: 7 rounds on Saturday
posted May 31st, 2016 - Yesterday's update from the Hurricane Factory in Prague, Czech Republic, mentioned that the start of the outdoor season separates the 4-way juniors from the 4-way seniors, who have the additional privileges of exits, sub-terminal moves and parachute rides when they jump from planes in 4-way training and competition.

However, it is a challenging transition, as an earlier TURNING POINTS column in the Blue Skies Mag explained.

It was time for this transition for the Czech 4-way teams last weekend, as the first 4-way outdoor competition of the year took place in Most.

The weather did not cooperate well enough, as organizer Jan Klapka had scheduled a 10-round competition. He ended up three rounds short, while the other event last weekend, the Northern Plains Skydiving League season opener at Skydive Twin Cities, was completely weathered out.

May 28th, 2016
RankAAA Class5,12,216,22,QP,19,8E,15,D,K14,C,13F,H,20,2G,A,B,4TotalAvg
1Bad Boys97(-1)10151015178311.9
2CZ Ladies6(-1)8911(-3)1015147310.4
RankAA Class21,Q,K6,22P,19,8E,15,D14,C,13F,H,20G,A,B,4TotalAvg
RankA Class21,Q6,KP,19E,D,8C,4F,H,NG,A,BTotalAvg
1Flying Circus5747915(-2)15628.9
New outdoor record average CZ Ladies
The winner of the first outdoor competition this year was the team in 2nd place of the AAA Class, the CZ Ladies. The Czech national team in 4-way Women did not only finish with a new team record average in Most. The CZ Ladies, with Jan Klapka's wife Jirina in the lineup, also tied the scores of the Bad Boys in two rounds and won Round 2.

Round 1 was the first jump for the Bad Boys with the new lineup this year, and the 11.9 average will soon turn back to the 13+ level of last year, and probably higher, as the Bad Boys focus on outdoor training and competition until the Mondial 2016.

Accord had no competition in the AA Class, as the team started its 11th year after the 3.0 average in June 2005. The Bad Boys had attended the same event and finished with a 4.5 average.

Jan and Jakub Klapka with Flying Circus
Flying Circus, the Czech Republic's young shooting star 4-way team, competed for the second time at an outdoor event. The original 2015 lineup (Dagmar Bezdekova, Lukas Kaderabek, Martina Vavackova, Hanka Weinlichova) had posted a 7.0 Rookie Class average in July 2015.

Jan Klapka's son Jakub joined Flying Circus at the end of the 2015 season, and the team began to train first the A Class, then the AA Class dive pool. Flying Circus competed in the A Class last weekend and beat the previous Rookie Class scores clearly with an 8.9 average.

Flying Circus had help by Jakub Klapka's father Jan. Team member Dagmar Bezdekova was not available due to injury, and Jan Klapka was glad to help out and compete together with his son. He completed all 14 competition jumps with Bad Boys and Flying Circus on Saturday...

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