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Did You Know...

... that Ari Perelman will be the new Airspeed member?

Earlier start than expected: Mikhail Markine with Arizona Airspeed
posted Jun 6th, 2016 - It is nothing new that Thomas Hughes, Arizona Airspeed member between 2011 and 2016, plans to step back from active training and competition at the end of this year. The Sun Path Products NSL News posted the news on December 21st, after he had announced his plans at the Clash of Champions 2015.

It is also normal Airspeed procedure that the team negotiates the new lineups early and announces new members long before they start training and competing. The newest member, Mikhail Markine, was officially introduced to the 4-way world in January 2016 for the slot that would open up after the USPA Nationals this year.

Things changed quickly when Chris Farina left the team, and Mikhail Markine had to step in much earlier than expected, as the Sun Path Products NSL News reported on January 20th. The personnel change early this year put Airspeed back on the hunt for a new Outside Center.

Injury trouble: Arizona Airspeed in April 2016
Once again, it did not take too long until Arizona Airspeed made the call and selected the new team member. Ari Perelman will be the team's Outside Center after the USPA Nationals 2016.

His recent path into the new Airspeed lineup began when Thiago Gomes was injured in April and could not train with the team for a while.

Airspeed was in the middle of preparing the new front piece (Thomas Hughes - Mikhail Markine) for the challenging task at the Mondial 2016 and could not wait for Thiago Gomes' recovery.

John D'Annunzio and Ari Perelman substituted in the Tail slot, and the Airspeed members took an extra look at Ari Perelman's performance.

The training was a try-out period for him at the same time since he was selected earlier as a candidate for the Outside Center slot at the end of the year.

Shamrock Showdown 2008
RankAAA Class18,7,159,10,144,F,M,AL,H,E,63,P,5G,C,J,D,B12,13,Q1,16,2021,N,O,219,11,22TotalAvg
1Airspeed OdysseyUS212232302542221722 1925225.2
2MaubeugeFR211830282445211922 1924724.7
4Black CatRU191727292342181621-21223.6
5Golden Knights BlackUS1919293022431918--19924.9
6DeLand GrooveUS1921282921401817--19324.1
8Perris FuryUS191725312243----15726.2
11Optic NerveUS1412212020251512--13917.4
13Sebastian TempestUS1412222216231313--13516.9
14Blue SpiritsSE9112017132312613713113.1
15Team TwistedUS1413201815261311--13016.3
16Danish BlazeDK111017131622121113-12513.9
17Fastrax BlueUS141521221731----12020.0
Teiwaz Tempest in the summer of 2007
The new Airspeed lineup next year brings back together two former team mates, who may both have been only dreaming of an Airspeed slot when they were training and competing together.

Thiago Gomes and Ari Perelman spent the first year of Sebastian Tempest together, with Chris Ash and Kris Peterson in the lineup. Pat Walker was filming the team, and Thomas Hughes was coaching Tempest in his 8-way year with the U.S. team at the FAI World Meet in Maubeuge 2008.

Together they attended eight meets with Tempest in 2008, including the Shamrock Showdown, where they witnessed Arizona Airspeed winning the DeLand competition over a world class field in Odyssey's gold medal year. Coach Thomas Hughes competed with Fastrax at the same event.

The Tempest lineup with Thiago Gomes and Ari Perelman finished the year with a 17.1 average at the USPA Nationals 2008.

USPA Nationals 2008
Rank4-way Open2,10,15F,C,3,HJ,O,4,N20,M,E,1113,12,L9,A,1918,22,D21,17,P6,14,QB,1,G,7TotalAvg
1Airspeed Odyssey2031282320301824 222624224.2
2France Maubeuge1929272220292022212623523.5
3Black Cat1827292318252020212522622.6
4Perris Fury1828242318231721212521821.8
5Golden Knights Black1928262019251521212121521.5
6Aerokart Mamba Pamiers1728251916251618192020320.3
7Performance Desired1528252017251418192120220.2
8Arizona Divewerkz1525231917191619162119019.0
9Nice Maubeuge Holidays1722191916221421181918718.7
10Ocean 51424211915221617162218618.6
11Spaceland Directe XP1322221716221419171818018.0
13Sebastian Tempest1322211716171216172017117.1
14Mass Defiance152322201323151718116716.7
15Fastrax Blue1216221713211316171816516.5
16Paraclete XP1418191513151316182016116.1
17Russia Cross Road1320211714191210171615915.9
19Monaco Pujaut Aerial1217191313191115131414614.6
Sebastian Tempest at the Shamrock Showdown 2008
Thiago Gomes and Ari Perelman knew each other even before they trained and competed with Sebastian Tempest in 2008. They connected for the first time in one of the many Teiwaz lineups and competed together with James Klinge and Rodney Cruce at the July meet of the Florida Skydiving League 2007.

They came back together a month later for the FSL August meet, this time with the complete future Tempest lineup, and launched the new team project with a 13.5 average at Skydive City. Thiago Gomes and Ari Perelman then competed again with Teiwaz Tempest at the NSL Championship 2007 (Bob Byrne, Chris Ash) before starting with team training for the 2008 season.

Tempest continued without Ari Perelman in 2009, and Gilles Dutrisac took his slot. The Tempest 2009 season became the launching pad for Thiago Gomes' road to Arizona Airspeed. He attended the Rhythm tryouts for the 2010 season and was invited to join the team. He stayed with SDC Rhythm XP for three years and then became the next new Airspeed member in 2013.

Ari Perelman with Arizona Airspeed at the USPA Nationals 2015
image by: Omniskore
Ari Perelman did not follow the same or a similar road. He committed to a few teams with different lineups year by year (Shmeland - 2010, Throw Down - 2011, AZ Plosion - 2012, Arizona Prime - 2013, Dallas Khaos Kobalt - 2014) and competed only in 8-way with the Amphibious Attack Tigers at the USPA Nationals 2015.

However, he also connected once again with the current Airspeed members in the 10-way and 16-way lineups, including his 2008 team mate Thiago Gomes and coach Thomas Hughes.

His next commitment is very different compared to the previous ones. Arizona Airspeed's new lineup has set up a 4-year plan.

Airspeed's newest team member is not coming from the toughest challenger this time. SDC Rhythm XP's 4-way turf has been the recruiting field for Airspeed in the past years (Thiago Gomes, Chris Farina, Mikhail Markine) and none of the current team members is moving to Arizona later this year...

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