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Did You Know...

... that the most recent PD Blog features a special Stiletto 120?

PD Blog
posted Jun 21st, 2016 - The National Skydiving League's founder Kurt Gaebel recently ended up on the other side of the journalistic end that features the Sun Path Products NSL News on a regular basis. Performance Designs honored his 35-year skydiving career with a placement on the PD Blog front page. The introduction was written by Laura Golly:

"Kurt Gaebel is an accomplished 4-way and 8-way FS competitor hailing from Germany. He began skydiving in the early 80's, formed his first 4-way team in 1981, and competed at his first German National's in 1984. Since then he has spent much of his time in skydiving working to create opportunities for jumpers to compete on a more regular basis.

He founded the Florida Skydiving League in the winter of 1996/1997 and later went on to found the National Skydiving League (NSL) in 1998. Kurt now lives in DeLand, FL, with his wife Becky. He also keeps another lover on the side – a Stiletto 120 but we'll let Kurt tell you about her!"

The first love...

What's the Love of your Life?

Love of my life? I probably should not say that, but if you keep it between you and me, I will tell you a secret...

I met my wife Becky in 1992 and we have been married for the last 20 years.

But I have also been in a serious relationship on the side for quite some time now.

In fact, the other relationship started shortly after I got married in 1996 when I switched from my Sabre 135 to the Stiletto 120.

So for the past 20 years, I have been happily married to both Becky and my PD canopy.

There have been no divorces on either side...

...and the other one...
How am I able to maintain two relationships? Well, a good marriage has to be a combination of reliability and fun, and I have missed neither in my relationships. The Stiletto is dependable, safe, and has brought me back to earth thousands of times.

It is also a very entertaining partner. I'll admit I cannot keep up with the young kids and their 1000-foot long swoops, but I have bad knees anyway (futbol, marathons) and I don't want to run much any longer. However, I can fool around more than enough with my Stiletto 120 in the sky. And I still look good on landings, with just a little bit of front riser turn.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's to never change a winning team. Both of my relationships are big winners. I will still be with Becky when I turn 100 years old, and I will still fly my Stiletto 120 in 20 years, well, maybe it will be a new Stiletto by then...

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