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Did You Know...

... that the Czech 4-way teams posted record indoor and outdoor scores within a week?

Outdoor competition in Kunovice
posted Jul 4th, 2016 - The 4-way teams in the Czech Republic switched from indoor to outdoor competition within a week.

Jan Klapka sent the Hurricane Factory's Indoor Cloud League scores and videos for the month of June while the teams were getting ready for the second outdoor competition of the 2016 season last weekend.

Five of the seven teams who completed the ten rounds in Kunovice last weekend had also tried to get on the ICL leaderboard for the month of June. Hvezdy and Impact are outdoor teams, while a few other Czech teams train and compete only in the 14-foot flying chamber of the Hurricane Factory in Prague, including the junior lineups.

Hurricane Factory - June 2016AAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Bad Boys2624----50
HF Junior Cubs--19---19
Mirek Team----323769

Hurricane Factory's Best of June262419263237164
New record average: CZ Ladies
Only Bad Boys and Mimozemky are on both leaderboards, as they posted the highest Indoor Cloud League June scores for the Hurricane Factory in four of the six categories before jumping from planes last weekend.

CZ Ladies, Accord and Flying Circus competed in Kunovice, as well, after missing June scores on the ICL leaderboard, and all three teams posted team record averages. The CZ Ladies also tied one of the AAA Class highscores of the Bad Boys in Round 1.

The Bad Boys themselves improved their first outdoor average of the year in May (11.9) significantly with the new 2016 lineup and beat their own record average, as well. Jan Klapka said that he was looking forward to the outdoor competition "like a little child" after all the indoor training and competition. He was rewarded with beautiful weather and the best scores of the Bad Boys on the way to the Mondial 2016.

July 2nd, 2016
RankAAA ClassN,D,11,1A,K,17,P21,Q,G,1315,8,22M,7,1019,20,314,E,H,CO,16,185,J,49,6,BTotalAvg
1Bad Boys1320131115111613141714314.3
2CZ Ladies1316119149111091311511.5
RankAA ClassN,D,11A,K,P,121,Q,G15,8M,7,1319,2014,E,HO,18,CJ,4,B9,6TotalAvg
RankA ClassN,D,GA,K,P21,Q8,BM,719,FE,H,LO,C,2J,49,6TotalAvg
1Flying Circus1016111120132013101113513.5
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